Dragon*Con 2022

DragonCon 2022 - Death Will Not Win
Dragon*Con 2022 – Death Will Not Win

So, it’s time for Dragon*Con 2022, which is almost a wonder in and of itself since the panicdemic crashed the entire sci fiction convention circuit. But this convention is still on, though one could call it almost in Dracolich form now, with attendance limited to less than half of what it used to, masking and social distancing being enforced, and much of it being virtual now.

Dragon*Con 2022 – Cosplay Lives!

Still, alive or undead, I tip my hat to the con’s organizers for all the hard work and heartache they’ve gone through to keep this convention in the world. And yes! This does mean that cosplay is still in the world, with the prurient wonders it brings to us.

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