You’re Not Our Audience
It’s seems that the thought police of Obama’s campaign and the Democrats were in full force at the 2012 DNC. As usual, they strove to completely control the message and didn’t let a little things like the 1st Amendment and the requirement for a free press get in their way.
According to sources, the Dems placed restrictions on Radio Row which forbade significant Democrats from being interviewed by any Conservative talk show hosts.
Conservative talk-show hosts who came to Charlotte to interview political figures are furious. For the first time in anyone’s memory, Radio Row the designated set of booths available to visiting talk-show hosts has seen restrictions placed on its use by Team Obama. DNC staffers at Radio Row will book leading Democrats for slots on conservative stations but then cancel the appearances an hour or so before broadcast because you’re not our audience.
Roger Hedgecock, a former mayor of San Diego now hosting a nationally syndicated talk show, decided to pack up and leave Charlotte early because we were blocked from getting any guests that mattered. It was a complete freeze. Larry O’Connor of Breitbart Radio told me, It was the most bizarre act of censorship. These shows paid large fees and spent thousands on equipment setup and they couldn’t do their programs because of interference.
The key point to understand here is not the Campaigner-in-Chief’s, his handlers’ and sycophants, or even the Democrats’ despite for the American press. That trend is established enough to no longer shock the senses, despicable and un-American as it is. What is the key point to understand is that Obama, his cronies, and the Democrat leadership do not consider Americans as their audience. They are not interested in meeting Americans’ needs, desires, views, or opinions. They are only concerned with pandering to those Americans’ domestic enemies.
“Conservative” media outlets crush Liberal ones in audience numbers, which makes perfect sense since Conservatives are the largest (40%) ideological demographic in America, outnumbering Moderates (35%) and Liberals (smallest group at a meager 21%), the latter by 99.5%.
I’m truly tempted to say that this is a false equivalency created by the Left and that there’s no Conservative media, only the American media and the Liberal one. I’m not quite there though.
So, essentially, the Democrats have openly said that the majority of Americans aren’t their audience and, as such, they were not to be allowed access to key Democrats during the 2012 Democratic National Convention.
Remember that in November! Remember it as well when you’re making your next ammunition budget as the war for America’s and our children’s future may not be won by mere words and ballots.
Tags: 1st Amendment | 2012 Elections | America | Censorship | Conservatives | Democrats | DNC | Free Press | Freedom | Liberals | Media | Progressives | Radio | Thought Police | Tyranny