More On Noorgard
Kari Noorgard, all details of whom have been scrubbed from the University of Oregon’s website, is – or was; her fate is unknown – an associate professor of Sociology and Environmental Studies. She holds a PhD in Sociology but only a BA in Biology and has do degrees in anything related to “Climatology.”
Please think about that and what it means insofar as the Warmists’ agenda is concerned and what it means for society’s struggle against them.
The Warmists take the fraud, Peter Glieck’s words, “The debate is over!” completely seriously. In their minds Anthropogenic Climate Change, primarily caused by the Civilized World’s CO2 emmissions, is “settled science.”
Anytime anyone claiming to be scientist says that anything more complex than a Natural Law is “settled science” they’re likely not a scientists, but a charlatan trying to sell you something.
You’d most likely be better served by taking a gun or whip to them than by listening to them.
They’re not interested in proving their hypotheses in the wake of so many of them having been proved false or based upon fraudulent and/or erroneous data. They’re interested in researching how to reshape society’s position on the matter to match their own.
That’s the reason why Kari Noorgard is a professor of Environmental Studies and why she’s an honored speaker at the Warmists’ events.
Just as we cannot overhaul a car fleet overnight, we cannot change our ideological superstructure overnight. We must first be aware that this resistance is happening at all levels of our society. If you have to push a heavy weight, it doesn’t mean it can’t be moved, but in order to push it you had better know that you have something heavy and figure out how to move it — where to put the lever to shift the weight.
— Kari Noorgard
Planet Under Pressure Conference
Yes, and who better to task to find that lever than a sociologist who specializes in: environmental sociology, gender and environment, race and environment, climate change, sociology of culture, social movement,s and the sociology of emotions. Noorgard’s specialty is in using neuro-linguistic programming techniques to reframe issues as bias issues such as racism and sexism in order to provoke her desired responses.
I’m pretty sure, after living through: the Left’s subornation of the public schools system; the creation of “hate crimes” laws; the recent increase in race-baiting involving the Obama Regime; the vilification of Christian churches for their religious views on sexuality; and the way that “bullying” has been redefined, that we can posit what forms that lever would take and how, where, and upon who it would be applied with the most force.
Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. Remember always that the pen is mightier than sword only for so long as sword remains sheathed.
Tags: AGW | Climate Change | CO2 | Environmental Justice | Fraud | Global Warming | Racism | Social Engineering | Society | Sociology | The Environment | Thought Control | Thought Police
April 7th, 2012 at 1:37 pm
Definitely a candidate for PlayBoy centerfold……
April 7th, 2012 at 3:39 pm
Oddly and somewhat sadly, Granny Grunch, all of the images of Noorgard are similarly repulsive and these are the images she chose for herself on faculty websites.
It seems that, upon occasion, the outside does truthfully mirror the inside.