Crowder Burning A Snowflake
And here we have Steven Crowder of Louder With Crowder quasi-fame roasting the crap out of some whining libtard SJW who foolishly went to a Conservative event for the purpose of disrupting it, thinking her could do so with impunity.
Honestly, this is, at a bare minimum, this is the sort of response American should give to any and all of these ever-so-offended Liberals and Progressives whenever and wherever they violate our presences with their carping and bitching. What they verbally circle jerk to in their safe spaces is meaningless, but they should never believe that they can speak to an American without reprisal.
Tags: America | Comedy | Humor | Liberals | Louder With Crowder | Politics | Progressives | SJWs | Snowflakes | Social Justice | Steven Crowder