The Layers Of Islam
Th Gods forfend that you should ever speak out against Islam and its Muslims. You will be instantly branded as an ignorant, intolerant, bigoted Islamaphobe and reminded stridently and harshly that no all Muslims are Jihadis and/or terrorists.
Islam’s apologists are actually correct in their claims that the majority of Muslim are not violent jihadis and/or terrorists. While the vast and overwhelming majority of terrorism and theocratic violence in modern world is carried out by Muslims, the majority of Muslims are not taking part in carrying it out. Islam and its Muslims are not monolithic; they have layers.
The Layers Of Islam and Muslims
Islam and its Muslims are not monolithic; they have layers as does any sect or ideology. Indeed, Muslims run the gambit from violent extremists to largely uninvolved, quasi-secular individuals.
Violent Jihadis
At the core of the problem that is Islam is its innermost circle of Muslims. These are the small but powerful minority of violent jihadis such as the Taliban, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, and other groups, and the “lone wolves” that are to be found on every single continent except Antarctica.
Political Islamists
The next and significantly larger circle of Islam is the political Islamists who forsake taking direct, violent actions themselves in favor of suborning the political and legal processes the advance the cause of Islam. The OIC, CAIR, and MPAC are example of such groups that use lawfare and paper terrorism to attack others in the name of Islam instead of guns and bombs.
Abominable Adherents
Then there is the circle of Islam in which the Muslims don’t care enough about the political aspects of Islam to lend material and comfort to either of the two inner circles, but who practice many activities and espouse many ideas that are generally found reprehensible and atavistic by the peoples of the Civilized World.
The Assimilated Fringe
And, lastly, on the periphery of Islam, we have the largely uninvolved and, at least, functionally assimilated fringe elements of Muslims. In many ways they are essentially equatable to the “fallen away” or “Sundays and Holidays” Christians. They’re not such “moderate Muslims” as Muslims who are moderate-to-lackadaisical in their religious practices and views.
It the duty of all right-thinking men and women of the Civilized World reject the binary argument of the Muslims and their enablers and apologists that that are merely the rare jihadis and terrorist and the “good” Muslims. It is also our duty to reject and condemn those who make such arguments.
It is true that not all Muslims need to be dealt with using high levels of armed force. That doesn’t by any means, however, that most of them do not need to be dealt with in some manner.
Tags: Bigotry | CAIR | Caliphate | Islam | Islamists | Islamophobia | Jihad | Lawfare | Muslims | Paper Terrorism | Politics | Prejudice | Religion | Terrorism
October 20th, 2014 at 7:45 pm
There is a similarity of Islam to the Gay Community. You are not allowed to speak your mind on either one of them. Criticizing the one will get your livelihood destroyed, while criticizing the other will get your life destroyed.
October 21st, 2014 at 5:23 am
Yeah, Alan. There’s a similarity. It’s born of Liberal support. Queer, Muslim, Black – same ole, same ole; they’re protected minorities who cannot be spoken against.
The solution is to accept that those who side with the enemy are themselves the enemy and should be treated the same.
October 21st, 2014 at 5:33 am
No one “allows” me to do anything. I require no permission to speak my mind! If there’s any destroying to be done, rest assured, I’ll be doing it!
Think I’m gonna go kick me some Muslim ass!
October 21st, 2014 at 6:29 am
If you do not fear reprisal, that is true, Buffet. Sadly, most do fear such reprisals since these domestic enemies have gotten quite skilled at ruining Americans’ lives when they exercise their duty to defend our nation.
October 21st, 2014 at 5:07 pm
Hmmm…..shall I quote Roosevelt or Jesse Ventura? 😉