Electing Muslims
Electing Muslims to office, even high political office, is a fast-growing phenomenon, mostly due to Muslims taking over whole areas and then always electing from within their own cult. This is, hence, a growing problem for America as a whole because Islam and America are not compatible to any noticeable extent.
One need only look to the 5th Chapter of the Qur’an, which deals with governance and Muslim interactions with people’s of other religions in a legal context.
And whosoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed, such are the Kafirun.
And whosoever does not judge by that which Allah has revealed, such are the Zalimun.
And whosoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed then such people are the Fasiqun.
— Sura Al-MÄ’idah, 5:44-45, 47
And therein is the problem with politicians such as Keith Ellison, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar. They are Muslims and their religion demands that they govern strictly by the tenets of the Law as set for by Allah – i.e., Shar’ia, and only by Shar’ia. For them to try to govern otherwise would make them Kafirun ( Lesser Disbelievers), Zalimun (Lesser Wrong-doers), and Fasiqun (Lesser Disobedient). And we know how Muslims, devoutly follow their laws, deal with their disbelievers, wrong-doers, and those who are disobedient to Allah’s will.

Nor is it surprising or dissimilar that the Muslim elected to political office are some of the most rabid, virulent, and uncivilized of our President’s enemies. Again, the Qur’an in the same chapter, instructs them that they cannot accept any non-Muslim as Auliya (Leader or even friend). They can only, on their very souls, have non-Muslims as subjugated peoples or as their enemies, obviously choosing the latter in the case the President.
And see? That’s a problem. That poses a serious Question that the American people need to find, accept, and execute a Solution for.
Tags: #MAGA | America | Ilhan Omar | Keith Ellison | Muslims | Politicians | Politics | Qur'an | Rashida Tlaib | Shari'a
May 27th, 2019 at 3:28 am
You do realize that muslims getting elected into offices in america aren't die-hard muslims right? Being muslim is a big part of their culture, but they don't follow the quran to the letter. kind of like most christians, as in the bible is says to refrain from pre-marital sex and adultery
May 27th, 2019 at 5:10 am
You do realized that being die-hard isn’t necessary for them to be a clear and present danger to America, as the one’s we’ve elected have shown so far?