Trump’s Perfection

The Perfection of Trump Is Mathematic
Trump’s Perfection Is Mathematic

A lot of people don’t like Donald Trump. Both the petulant #NeverTrump partisans and Hillary’s staunchest constituents actively hate him with an unholy passion that ironically rises to the level of religious fervor. Both utterly fail to see and/or reject Mr. Trump’s perfections, though Hillary’s supporters must be excused for this as they’re deficient in math skills.

Yes, this is correct. Donald Trump’s perfection is the perfection of the fundamental language of the universe, math. As one can see, with the inclusion of his much lampooned – even by me – hairpiece, The Donald is the Fibonacci Spiral, which is an approximation of the Golden Spiral using the first eight numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence – 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13.

As the very nature of growth in nature follows the Fibonacci Sequence, Mr. Trump could not inaccurately be described as possessing the perfection of growth in symbolic language.

As Presidents are symbols as much as or more than anything else, Trump’s the guy for me. I like my symbols to have meanings. šŸ˜‰

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