The Sinai War
I have posted before that America was going to have to deploy a large number of troops to the Sinai Peninsula in the wake of the “Arab Spring” which deposed the government of Egypt and emboldened the anti-Semite Islamist vermin in the region. That prediction is looking more and more likely to reach fulfillment.
For the third time since the revolt in Egypt Muslim terrorists have attacked and damaged the North Sinai pipeline in the Sinai Peninsula that supplies natural gas to Israel and Jordan.
The Islamists, or their Bedouin proxies / dupes, previously sabotaged it on February 5 and April 27 of this year.
Egypt can’t or won’t defend the pipeline effectively, Israel isn’t “allowed” to defend it, and the Multinational Force & Observers (MFO) will need significant increase in personnel to undertake a counter-terrorism / counter-insurgency role.
This means that the US will have to send in more troops and equipment to occupy and patrol the Sinai, and that those troops must be in sufficient force to withstand betrayal and attack by the Egyptian military forces which have been allowed, despite the accords of the 1981 Protocol to the Treaty of Peace to enter the Sinai in force.
The Sinai War that is coming is going to be particularly nasty, as much from the domestic fall-out as from the actual fighting.
Tags: Arabs | Egypt | Hamas | Israel | Jihad | Jordan | Natural Gas | Palestine | Politics | Terrorism | Terrorists | US Military | Vermin | War | War On Terror
September 6th, 2011 at 7:00 am
Yes the Sinai War will be terrible. Unfortunately it will now comprise a terrible combination of forces as Turkey, Iran and Egypt conspire to mount what will obviously be a multi-fronted war of attrition. Syria will join the coalition. Why? because it will take the pressure off internal issues and get the focus on the ‘hated’ mutual enemy of all – Israel.
And the prize, Oh the prize! The new gas/oil fields lying in Israel’s front yard. Turkey stands to lose because they supply both oil/gas and pipeline access. A new Mediterranean field in the hands of Israel, Greece and Greco Cyprus cannot be permitted. It is game on.
The testing time will come within days when the new attempt to run the Gaza blockade will start out from Turkey. But this time, the Turkish navy comes to usher it in. One Turkish man of war sunk and all hell breaks loose.
No wonder B.H.Obama was determined to humiliate Israel by insisting she apologize for the attempt by the militants on board the first blockade runners to kill their troops. Israel will not of course, as America, (if cast in the same position), would not.
There will war. America’s bind is a treaty with Turkey and, at the same time, their political allegiance to Israel. I have no doubt however, that Obama will prevaricate, (while Israel bleeds). I have listened to both his public utterances and his silences and in my mind, there is no doubt where his true sympathy lies.
Perhaps Israel should offer the Russians a 15% stake in their new maritime riches. Mother Russia, a notorious whore from way back, might then tell the rest of the carrion to back off or else. $$$$$ make strange bedfellows and when your very survival is called into question, all options are on the table.
And let us not forget that the Chihuahua comes with a set of nuclear teeth.
This may not be the ‘big one’ but certainly its precursor because of its capacity to drag us all in. A big bind for my country Australia. Both Turkey and America are allies. Denis Mitchell