Archive for the 'Music' Category

These Are Difficult Times

Posted in Humor, Music, Society on October 7th, 2022
These Are Difficult Times
These Are Difficult Times

Of Lizzo And The Flute

Posted in Humor, Music, Society on October 4th, 2022
Of Lizzo And The Flute
Of Lizzo And The Flute

There’s been a more than reasonable amount of rather strident commentary about Lizzo aka Melissa Viviane Jefferson being allowed to play James Madison’s crystal flute. None of it makes much sense to me beyond people just using it to rather pointlessly signal their patriotism to either America or her domestic enemies.

Because please! Someone tell me how a Negress getting her mouth on a White slaveowner’s instrument in order to better her situation is anything novel, anything for the Dems and their Blacks to crow about, or for the average American to rant over? I’ll wait. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Oh, and by the way – or by the by-blow as the case may be – Lizzo’s a Jefferson, which might just mean something given his preferences. So, since Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were close friends, there’s even less cause for commentary.


Stick Your Progress…

Posted in Music, Politics on July 27th, 2022

Stick Your Progress Where The Sun Don’t Shine

Country music star, John Rich sums up the vast majority of Americans’ opinion of our domestic enemies’ agenda in his latest hit, โ€œProgress.” Simply put, Americans don’t want what the Left calls progress and recognize that the steps that have been taken to achieve it haven’t worked at all and have just caused us extensive harm.

The true shame though is that the Leftists won’t listen, which means Americans are more than likely going to have to put them where the sun don’t shine. And that dirt their going to be under? It’s ain’t going to be hallowed ground.

Fish Scales

Posted in Animals, Humor, Music on June 4th, 2022
Fish Scales
Fish Scales

Kansas Cuisine

Posted in Food & Drink, Humor, Music on May 4th, 2022
Kansas Cuisine
Kansas Cuisine

Just some proper, classic Kansas Cuisine that has stood the test of time and is still as popular among folks as it was when created. ๐Ÿ˜†