Your Privacy…
Your Privacy…Going Away Fast
Yeah, with companies like Googly, Amazon, and Facebook, all of whom consider people to be product as least as much clients, your privacy isn’t so much in danger as already eradicated. This is especially true of Google and Facebook since their business model is literally predicated upon being able to sell your personal data and habits to third parties.
Not That You Have No Right To Privacy; You Surrendered It
Of course, the brouhaha over this “violation” of people’s privacy only exists because one of the third parties sold or gave the information that they gathered to entities that the Lamestream Media and the Liberal and Progressive enemies of we Deplorable hate. After all, nobody has either the right to- or expectation of privacy when one has already surrendered it willingly – nay, eagerly – to persons or companies who never made any secret of their using of it for their own purposes.
And please do remember that both the Obama and Clinton campaigns similarly mined data from Facebook users, albeit more openly when it came to the actual users. In all the cases though, their friends’ data was accessed without prior knowledge or consent, used to create profiles of those friends, and said profiles then used to target campaign strategies. And yet, when done by either Obama or Clinton this was either lauded, excused, or ignored by the very same sorts complaining now.
Tags: Amazon | Facebook | Google | Idiots | Privacy | Society | Stupidity | Technology | The Internet
April 22nd, 2018 at 7:47 am
I’ve never understood this fixation on “privacy.” What they do is mine info on you to sell to commercial interests so those commercial interests can fine-tune advertising to you, correct? For me at least, I don’t give a hoot. I rarely see ads online anyway due to ad-blockers. I don’t put my SS number, my bank PINs, my credit card numbers, etc., online except in protected situations, and only a nincompoop would do that.
So what’s the big deal?