Archive for the '2016 Election' Category

Today Is The Day

Posted in 2016 Election, Politics on January 20th, 2017

The ending of an error; the beginning of a new eraToday Is The Day
The Ending Of An Error; The Beginning Of A New Era

Today, despite all the “best efforts” of our domestic enemies, is the inauguration of Donald J. Trump as 45th President of the United States. Today is the end of a horrid error and the start of a new era for America, hopefully one of rebirth, renewal, and a restored greatness.

All across our nation Americans will be celebrating, most quietly but some quite raucously I’m sure, both the removal of Obama and what he stood for and the ushering in of President Trump – Say that again, President Trump! – and the hope for proper change that he comes burdened with.

And, as for the crying, ranting, wailing, weeping, and gnashing of teeth from our domestic enemies? Those are the sounds that the happy warrior lives for and just serve to make this day all the more celebratory.

Got It! Now What?

Posted in 2016 Election, Politics on January 15th, 2017

Got It! Now What?
Got It! Now What?

With incoming President Trump, the House having maintained it GOP majority 247:194, and the Senate being 52:48 weighted towards the Republicans the long chase to repeal the dysfunctional morass that is ObamaCare is over. We won and our Republican Representatives and Senators have taken the first steps towards repealing the ACA. But now what? In the last year Congress has moved beyond a blind call to repeal it to a somewhat more pragmatic drive to repeal and replace the ACA aka ObamaCare with something more in keeping with American culture and ideals, more sustainable moving forward, and less more in touch with the realities on the ground. But what will that look like and have any members of Congress actually put the work in to figure it out?

In some ways and in a very real sense victory is the greatest threat to success and any and all attempts to repeal and replace ObamaCare, especially when simultaneously dealing with the Lamestream Enemedia, are exemplars of this. Now that there is no real reason not to do so, Congress and, to a lesser extent, President Trump are going to actually have to do what they swore to do…and do it in a way that we, the People can support or, at least tolerate…and do it under the scrutiny and in the face of “journalists” who will do anything and say anything to spin such actions in the most negative light possible.

Frankly, I don’t envy them in the slightest. I do, however, hope but am not certain of their having been confident enough in the rebirth, renewal, and restoration of America that they actual believed they’d be in this position and that their calls for repealing – and now replacing – ObamaCare were somewhat more than a mindless chant to gain votes.

Swamp Things

Posted in 2016 Election, Politics on January 15th, 2017

Swamp Things Seek ProtectionSwamp Things Seek Protection

One of the key points or, at least, taglines of President-Elect Trump’s campaign was draining the swamp that is our nation’s bloated, often corrupted, and self-serving at the People’s expense federal government. So what was the first order of business after leadership elections and other logistic and procedural matters for the incoming 115th Congress? It was to attempt to bring the currently semi-independent Office of Congressional Ethics under the direct oversight and control of the House of Representative!

How very EPA-like of them. Nothing quite like attempting to have your swamp declared a federally protected wetland. ๐Ÿ˜†

Of course, they quickly reversed course – possibly actually realizing the sea change that President Trump represents. He wasted no time and spared little thought to their feelings when he heard of it.

With all that Congress has to work on, do they really have to make the weakening of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as unfair as it รขโ‚ฌยฆ may be, their number one act and priority. Focus on tax reform, healthcare and so many other things of far greater importance!

— President-Elect Donald Trump

Not that I’m complaining, but it’s bizarre to me how much power President-Elect Trump wields. I will say though that this was a great use of that power and shows that Trump isn’t likely to be a “Republican” POTUS.

Shoveling Shit On The 20th

Posted in 2016 Election, Humor, Politics on January 14th, 2017

6 Days Until We Remove The Ball Of Shit From The White HouseShoveling Shit On The 20th

My fellow Americans, the true-born and rightly raised citizens in more than name of our fine if beleaguered land, it’s now a mere six days till Obama is removed from White House – 6 days until incoming President Donald Trump will truly start shoveling the shit out of his new abode and our nation.

This shall be the ending of an error and, if we’re both blessed and willing to put the work in, the beginning of a new, greater era.

Obama’s Regifting

Posted in 2016 Election, Politics on January 4th, 2017

Obama's Regifting
Obama’s Regifting

Yes, with the boy’s actions against Israel, his treaty negotiations, and plethora of Executive Orders, Obama is definitely trying to regift his problems, failures, and “legacy” upon incoming POTUS, Donald Trump and the American people.

It’s still unknown if Obama’s regifting – an unsavory habit at best in any case – is just the boy’s final grab at whatever he can get to set his agendas in stone or, at least, firmer sand; or if it’s an attempt to bury President Trump in the detritus of Obama Regime in the hope that it’ll consume too much of Trump’s time, effort, and clout for him to be able to make America great again.