Archive for June, 2019

It’s Flag Day!

Posted in Society on June 15th, 2019

It’s Flag Day! Salute!

Yesterday was Flag Day, an admittedly largely uncelebrated and forgotten American holiday. So salute the flag and all the beauty it encompasses.

Not Yours!

Posted in Politics on June 13th, 2019
Not Yours! Not Your President! Not Your Country!
Not Yours! Not Your President! Not Your Country!

That’s right! President Trump is the President of America and Americans and he is not the leader of- nor beholden to our People’s domestic enemies. Nor should those domestic enemies be considered as to have any say in President Trump’s tenure or in the workings of America.

Democratic Socialism

Posted in Politics on June 12th, 2019
Socialism Then And Democratic Socialism Today
Socialism Then And Democratic Socialism Today

That’s pretty much how Socialism was and Democratic Socialism is. The later is just the former with the energy, acrobatics, and attention seeking so prevalent among Millennials. In the end, the results are exactly the same and exactly as bad.

Bikini Interlude 34

Posted in Society on June 10th, 2019

Bikini Interlude 34 – A Buttkini Edition

Well, we’ve had boobs so we should definitely balance that out with butts. After all, bikinis are meant to showcase and display both. 😉

Just Coincidence

Posted in Politics, Religion on June 5th, 2019
It's Just Coincidence That They're Jews
It’s Just Coincidence

Antisemitism is ingrained and entrenched in hearts and minds of our domestic enemies, the Democrats of all stripes, that this is a nigh perfect example of their mental contortions and apologetics. Their rank and file truly believe – or have convinced themselves – that it’s just coincidence that the only nation on the planet that they want to actually eradicate is Israel, the Jewish Nation.