Archive for February, 2015

U.S.S. Barack Obama

Posted in Humor, Politics on February 17th, 2015

USS Barack H. Obama
Introducing The U.S.S. Barack Obama

To properly “honor” Obama’s “special relationship” with the US military, the Navy has commissioned a new flag vessel, the USS Barack Obama. It will be the flagship of the new greens navy.

It Sure Wasn’t Love

Posted in Humor, Society on February 15th, 2015

Vomiting Hearts
Spit or Swallow … Or Puke – It Sure Wasn’t Love

It’s “The Morning After.” In this case it’s the morning after Valentine’s Day, which means many, many people will be experiencing certain forms of emotional hangover, instead of- or in addition to their physical ones.

Of course, on a morning when society pedantically instructs us that on this one “special” day staggering though one’s “Walk of Shame” is less shameful and less degrading than not being in a position to do so, this must be fully expected.

I’m sure many women – and not a few men – are busy vomiting the bad taste left from this celebration of “romance” out of their mouths. 😉

A Muslim Valentine

Posted in Humor, Religion, Society on February 14th, 2015

While it true that Muslims are forbidden from celebrating Valentine’s Day because they are forbidden from celebrating any and all Infidel holidays, one has to expect that many of them do so anyway.

Of course, Muslims being Muslims and not wanting to behave too much like the Infidels, they put their own “special” spin on it…

Abdul was always such a suave player
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Again, like people, romance tends to be brief among Muslims and relationships do not always proceed happily. This is neither more or less common among Muslims than it is amongst Infidels. The Muslims just have some superficial cultural differences in the details…

Muslim Love and Marriage
Of Course Romance Fades

Yet, like almost all religions, Islam places a premium on families so many Muslims manage to keep their relationships going…

A happy Muslim wife
But A Solid Relationship Will Last

Of course, keeping Muslim relationships going strong is a matter of communication, compromise, and the occasionally “rough and tumble” give and take between husband and wife. 😉

Obama On Williams

Posted in Humor, Politics, Society on February 13th, 2015

Obama on Bryan Williams
Obama: Brian Williams Should Leave NBC

Just kidding! Obama would never say such a thing about Brian Williams. Oh, not because the boy has any problems with the hypocrisy required to complain the lies of anyone else. It’s that Obama wouldn’t turn on one of his biggest supporters and sycophants.

I’d Taps That!

Posted in Humor, Society on February 12th, 2015

As I’ve mentioned before, the US Flag code is more noticeable by its lack of enforcement than otherwise, largely because so many of us adore babes in or almost in flag-based clothing.


I’d Taps That Any Sundown I Could!
(Click to Enlarge)

One thing though – while I’m one of those who like women’s flag clothing, I do believe that the flag should be properly lowered and put away every sundown. Of course, that’s because I’d so “Taps” that every evening if I were to be given the opportunity to do so. 😛