Archive for January, 2014

Recognizing The Threat

Posted in Politics on January 21st, 2014

Liberals and Progressives love to regale Americans with tales of how the nation is becoming more and Leftist and how people want more government in their lives. Sadly for them but happily for Americans, this seems to be erroneous. The vast majority of people in America are capable of recognizing the threat that Big Government poses to the lives, livelihoods, and liberty of the People.

Government Is The Threat
72% Of American Residents See Government As Biggest Threat

72% of people in America say Big Government is a greater threat to the US in the future than is Big Business or Big Labor. This is a record high in the nearly 50-year history of this question. When Gallup first began asking the question in 1965 only 35% of Americans said “big government” would be the biggest threat to the country in the future.

Now, even a slim majority of Democrats can recognize the existential threat that the US government poses to the People. This is a significant data point since this is the first time approximately 45 years that a majority of Dems have responded in this way to the poll.

Government Is The Threat - By Party
Even 56% of Democrats See This Fact

One point of interest and difference between Americans and Liberals in this matter are that the election of Obama had little impact upon trend in responses from Americans but coincided with a sharp decline in fear of Big Government among Liberals. That decline, however, was very short-lived; it didn’t survive Obama actually being POTUS.

But Why Should We Care?

Posted in Society on January 20th, 2014

Once again in America it’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. It been this way since 1983 when President Reagan signed a bill creating a federal holiday to honor America’s foremost racial activist.

But why should we care? And by “we” I mean the the average American, who happens to be White. The “Black Community” certainly doesn’t particularly revere MLK’s legacy with any consistency.

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Legacy In The Black Community
(Click to Enlarge)

Truly! If the culture that MLK advocated for doesn’t bother to respect his memory why should we – what the race-baiters call “White America” – bother ourselves to care either? It’s not as if MLK was any friend of ours.

To be fair however, this disrespect by Blacks for their one and only successful and accepted activist isn’t monolithic. Some among them have serious problems with this.

Over the last few years, I have seen Martin Luther King, Jr’s image become a bastardized caricature on different party fliers.

Yes, you know what I am referring to. I am referring to the party fliers that have been seen across Facebook advertising whatever event that is going to take place. And I am afraid to note that this hasn’t been a onetime occurrence. This has happened numerous times for the past few years. And to think, there are people out there that actually feels that this is something appropriate or functionally acceptable.

— darcwonn1906

And trust me, this man is no ally to Whites so it’s not a case of his being some sort of Uncle Tom, Oreo, or whatever else the “Black Community” one of their own race who speaks too well and/or doesn’t side with them against America at large. Doing so, however, would put the normal, White American in a racially charged position.

I suppose that we could take the moral high ground and say that we’re going to respect MLK’s legacy even if, more and more, the Blacks living withing America’s borders don’t.

  1. If we stand by our ethical principles yet ignore the behaviors of the “Black Community,” we’re committing the truly racist act of lowering our expectation of the “Black Community;”
  2. If we call them on this behavior we’re exhibiting both our “White Privilege” and denigrating “Black Culture.”
  3. If we split the difference and ignore those Blacks show no respect for MLK and support and encourage those who do, we’re just once again taking up the White Man’s Burden.

So I acknowledge that it’s 2014’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day but have to ask should we care and, if so, why?

Droids? What Droids?

Posted in Humor, Movies on January 20th, 2014

Stormtrooper Finds What He’s Been Looking For

Well, one of Lord Vader’s stormtroopers found something. She isn’t one of the droids that he was supposed to be looking for, but he doesn’t seem to mind that at all.

Outrageous Bias

Posted in Politics on January 19th, 2014

The manufactured outrage over some members of Governor Christie’s staff closing some of the approach lanes to the George Washington Bridge is mostly over, largely because the Liberals and their Lamestream Media realized that their actions were actually benefiting the Republican politician and probable 2016 Presidential candidate.

But, like most such things, this tempest in a teapot can be used as a “teachable moment.”

Outrageous Bias - Or Biased Outrage
Such Outrageous Bias

In this case the education it provides is a case study in remedial reality and realpolitik. Once again the Left and the media has shown their outrageous bias by attacking a Republican for possibly using his power to punish an enemy politician while sheltering and protecting their boy, Obama even though that misborn, worthless piece of filth has done the same thing but to a far greater degree.

Wear Eye Protection

Posted in Humor, Society on January 18th, 2014

Gentlemen, always wear eye protection…

Cleavage Is Like The Sun

Sunglasses can save a lot more than your eyes. 😆 Just try to remember that there is fine, subjective, and shifting line between giving the attention that is so obviously desired and the creepy, cold-eyed stare of the psychotic stalker.