Archive for October, 2011

The Less Than 1%

Posted in Politics, Society on October 26th, 2011

The slacker rabble of the Occupy Wall Street mobs want people to believe to believe that they represent the 99% against the 1% in a classic case of class warfare. – or, at least some of them do; many are just protesters venting their hatred for America.

This may or may not be a lie and is likely to be inaccurate in any case. That being said, they are representative of a large number of parasites or cancerous societal growths within the body of our nation.

In the lamestream media’s biased eyes these occupations are the masses vs. the financial elite. What about the truly rarefied ethical and patriot “elite” though? What about what seems to be the Less Than 1%?

The Less Than 1%
Sadly, A Member Of The Far Less Than 1%

If we had a lot more people like the young person in the image above, America wouldn’t have ever reached the economic nadir that it has.

America doesn’t seem to have a lot like this person. Personal responsibility and even the most basic work ethic has given way to the entitlement society, in which people think that everyone else owes them something irrespective of of any evidence of their being worth anything.


NOTE: This person described in this image would be a statistical anomaly for a variety of reasons beyond their anomalous levels of integrity and self-reliance. Certain sorts even claim – amid a great deal of generalized venting and lingering emotional issues – the described circumstances to be impossible.

Be that all as it may, it is not the specifics of this described student’s situation that is important. It is the attitude it portrays that matters.

No Outrage Expected

Posted in Politics on October 25th, 2011

Emperor Obama wearing laurel wreathThe Obama Regime is nearing the culmination of its push against numerous Swiss banks that have been used by people attempting to shelter their wealth from confiscation by the US federal government.

They’ve already extorted $780 million and the identities of 4,700 account-holders from UBS in 2009. Now they’re close to coercing “cooperation” and reparations from 11 other foreign banks.

You can be assured that, in any other situation, the POTUS and his henchmen in the DOJ forcibly coercing foreign bodies who were operating within the respective laws of their countries to pay the American government 100’s of millions of dollars – probably billions of dollars by the end of this – and divulge confidential information about their clients in violation of the applicable laws of their nations, would be decried by the Liberals and Progressives as examples of “American Imperialism” and the “American Hegemony.”

No such outrage can be reasonably expected from the Leftists when the POTUS and his cabal are ignoring the laws and sovereignty of foreign nations in order to apply American legal jurisdiction in an attempt to seize the assets of alleged tax evaders.

That’s something to remember about America’s domestic enemies; they only get outraged and cry imperialism and/or hegemony when the supposed victims aren’t wealthy and aren’t presumed to be White. It’s all about class warfare and ethnoguiltism with them.

On The Bandwagon

Posted in 2012 Election, Humor, Politics on October 23rd, 2011

Obama Jumps On The Occupy Wall Street Bandwagon, Goes Nowhere
The Movement Is Off The Ground

Obama, in an increasingly desperate bid to keep his job, has jumped on the slackers of the Occupy Wall St.’s bandwagon now that his handlers have convinced him that the movement is off the ground.

Of course Obama and his handlers forgot to check to see if “off the ground” really meant “up on blocks” before trying to harness the neo-Socialist class warfare of these rabble.

That’s the problem with old saying like, “jump on the bandwagon.” They often don’t workout so well in reality. Face it, Obama and his coterie would “hitch their wagon to a star” only to have it implode into a brown dwarf. 😆

Bottom Shelf

Posted in Beer, Humor on October 23rd, 2011

Have you ever wondered why men almost always keep their beer on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator? It’s really quite simple…

Bottom Shelf - Why Men Keep The Beer There
It’s On The Bottom Shelf, Honey!

Now that we’ve gotten to the bottom of that, it should be clear as to why this occurs with such regularity. 😉

A Protest Guide

Posted in Humor, Politics on October 22nd, 2011

With such much angst, anger, and outrage in America and with it coming from multiple fronts, it’s probably important to compare and contrast the major groups involved. The lamestream MSM has been “kind” enough to help Americans with this endeavor.

A Comparative Guide To Protests Supplied By The MSM
A Comparative Guide To Protests

Isn’t just so nice of the lamestream media to make these comparisons between the slackers of the Occupy Wall St. mobs and the patriots of the TEA Parties? What would we ever do without their help?