Archive for April, 2010

Fair Trade Fail

Posted in Ethics & Morality, Humor, Society on April 9th, 2010

We’ve all seen the recent crop of up-scale Liberals with their demands for “Fair Trade,” “Organic,” and “Reduced Cruelty” products. Mostly they’re coastal elites with plenty of wealth and enough time on their hands to crowd up the Starbucks and Whole Foods of the country.

While their smug moral superiority mixed with strident calls for all of us to be forced into their choices can be more than a little annoying, I can’t really fault the ethical stance of their personal shopping choices. In fact, I’ve made many of the same ones myself.

Liberals' and Hipsters' Fair Trade Failure
The Liberals’ Fair Trade Failure – Their Ethics Go Up In Smoke

It’s rather ironic though that all these Liberal “hipsters'” ethical consumerism goes up in smoke as it were when it comes to toking up. πŸ˜‰

But hey, I suppose that they have to draw the line somewhere…


With a grateful H/TΒ  to In2theFray for the image.

You Know It’s Bad

Posted in Society on April 9th, 2010

You know – or should know – it’s bad when even the Ku Klux Klan feels the need to publicly repudiate your behavior, and that is exactly the situation in which Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church find themselves in.

KKK Repudiates Westboro Baptist Church
The KKK Repudiates Westboro Baptist Church’s Activities

Yes, the above is a partial screenshot of the KKK’s website’s homepage which I’ve posted here both so that people don’t have to go to the Klan’s site and in to keep a record of it when they later remove the news release.

It seems that nearly everyone – even groups known for their hate and public displays – is arrayed against Phelps and his congregation.

So, now that everyone – except a few pathetic federal appeals court judges – seems to be in agreement that Phelps, his misborn brood, and his sickening followers are vile, can we, the People finally do something of a retributive and permanent nature about these creatures who harass and insult the families of our fallen soldiers?

Mr. Phelps believes that we’re nearing the end times. Let’s do what we can to ensure that for him, the 13 misborn spawn he rutted into his female, any progeny that those 13 might have spawned, and his followers and all of their crotch-droppings, and any who have supported them, it is such.

You know it’s bad when even the Ku Klux Klan feels the need to publicly repudiate your behavior, but let’s ensure that it is of Biblical proportions. Let fire be rained upon them from on high; let the waters turn red with blood; let the heads be stripped from the grain so that there is naught for them to eat nor plant in its time.

Such just retribution would, after all, fit in with Phelps’ view of his God πŸ˜‰

The Source Of Rage

Posted in Politics on April 8th, 2010

The picture below perfectly sums up a large part of the fear and resultant rage against the politicians in the federal government that is being expressed by the American people in the form of the Tea Party movement.

A Little Girl Born Into Debt Thanks To The Government
I’m Already In Debt $38,375 And I Only Own A Dollhouse.

No; it’s not about the POTUS’ race, despite the Leftists and their minority tenants near-constant mendacious screeds to that effect. It’s about President Obama and his cabal Liberals bankrupting America and stealing the future from our children and our children’s children.

Remember that our progeny must live and die in the world we create for them, and that it is a parents holy duty to protect their children from any and all who would prey upon them.

The American people, by and large, love their children and wish for them to have betters lives than we have had. Only a relative few groups – mostly exilic groups sunk in crime, drug addiction, family dissolution, nihilism, and the resultant multi-generational poverty – try to indoctrinate and/or coerce their children to live in the same circumstances as they have rather than to move out, move on, and better themselves.

The source of the American people’s fear and rage is not racism; it’s a human parent’s natural response to anything or anyone who threatens their children or the children’s future.

Only two questions remain: how far will Americans have to go to protect our children and how far President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and their coterie of Liberals will go to continue preying upon our children and robbing them of their future liberty and opportunity to succeed by their own efforts, will, and ability?


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. πŸ˜‰

I See Rush Everywhere

Posted in Politics on April 6th, 2010

President Obama continues to wage his failing war against Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and Glen Beck. Such an attempt by anyone other than a sitting POTUS might be comical, but this is the POTUS launching attacks against the segments of the media who refuse to pander to his wishes and whim. That makes it sad and more than a little disturbing since Obama controls the FCC, access to the White House, and federal law enforcement agencies – and has repeatedly shown little regard or esteem for US Constitution – especially the 1st Amendment.

Limbaughs and Coulters and Becks! Oh My!

Insane Obama Sees Rush Limbaugh Everywhere
Obama – I See Rush Everywhere

It’s a sad thing for America when the POTUS is so shallow and small that he cannot rise above his baser nature and brush off the more vitriolic statements by his opponents. President Clinton largely managed to do it when faced with Rush Limbaugh’s rhetoric. President Bush Jr. successfully did so in the face an the bulk of the MSM’s constant attacks and insults – and the repeated diatribes and screeds of Obama during the 2008 elections.

It’s a crying shame that Obama doesn’t have the poise, self-confidence, and stature as a man, much less a man Americans are forced to trust with the reins of power, of his predecessors.

And, of course, the Leftist MSM – the degenerate and corrupted remains of the bulk of American journalism – is ever eager to trade softcore interviews and feeder questions to President Obama in exchange for continued access to the White House.

This just feeds President Obama’s narcissism and delusions of both worth and persecution – and aids him in his attempt to vilify dissent and marginalize those few journalists and commentators who are still willing and able to question “The One” and his agenda for fundamentally changing America and turning it into something recognizable as only a mockery of its past self.


Of course it’s axiomatic that just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean that they’re not out to get you. It is also axiomatic that you will be forced to reap what you have sown, and it is a sad truth that President Obama and his coterie have sown the wind.

Obama’s Diplomacy

Posted in Humor, Politics on April 5th, 2010

From even before Barack Obama was installed as the POTUS, he strove mightily to change the tone of America’s diplomacy with other world leaders and titular heads of state.Β  Since taking office he has been consistent in his efforts in this regard.

Obama Almost Always Extends The Hand of Friendship
Obama Almost Always Extends The Hand of Friendship

So far, I would say that President Obama has completely reversed over 30 years of American diplomacy and foreign policy. That being the case, it’s only fair to say that Obama’s diplomacy is one area in which he’s well on his way to achieving his oft-if-carefully-nuancely-stated goals… πŸ˜‰