I'm A National Conservative

Yes, though I carry no card and am not registered as a member of that party – I don’t think there is even one – I am, in the ways that most matter, a National Conservative. My quite serious question to everyone in every nation is why aren’t you one too?
National Conservatism Is…
National Conservatism is a culturally focus variant of conservatism that prioritizes upholding one’s national and cultural identity. National conservatives usually combine nationalism with conservative stances promoting traditional cultural values, opposition to immigration, and family values.
It seems to me that, if a person loves their country – which doesn’t necessarily mean they even tolerate their government – their own people, and their culture, they want to preserve them and protect them from dissolution. Hence, National Conservatism seems like something that should be normal.
And, if you don’t love and want to protect and continue your people, culture, and nation, why do you keep living there and among them?
Tags: Conservatives | National Conservatism | Nationalism | Politics | Society