Archive for the '2016 Election' Category

Can You Hear Us Now?

Posted in 2016 Election, Politics on December 4th, 2016

Can You Hear Us Now?
Can You Hear Us Now?

In the recent 2016 Elections, President-Elect Donald Trump won in slightly over 2600 counties whereas Hillary Clinton won in slightly less than 500 counties. Mr. Trump carried over 80% of the geographic area of the United States of America, representing an extremely broad base of local constituencies, whereas Hillary succeeded only in highly-populous, urban zones of America.

Of much greater import, however, is that of the 3,112 counties for which there is county-level data, 2,728 shifted toward the GOP, whereas only 383 shifted towards Democrats. Trump even made stunning inroads in the Northeast, normally considered a staunchly Democrat bastion.

With all this having so shockingly happened, does anyone think that the Liberals, Progressives, and the “demographics” that normally vote Democrat will hear us now? I truly and sincerely hope that no American this that they will do so? Such a hope or belief, being false, is doomed to disappointment and would make the believer even more vulnerable to their attacks.

Believe either me or the plethora of evidence at one’s disposal. Our domestic enemies – and that is what they are – have heard us; they have, I believe always heard us. They simple fail to actually listen because they believe what we say is inherently racist, sexist, xenophobic, and nationalist – as if the last was a bad thing. They claim we’re “White Supremacists” just because we’re White and the culture we built here by definition works here better than other cultures do.

So, irrespective of Mr. Trump’s triumph in the recent elections and the shock it gave certain sorts, it’s not a cure-all. It’s not a matter of the Liberals, Progressives, and their minority tenants finally hearing us. It’s a matter of whether or not they reevaluate their lexicon and core ideologies in the face the election results – and we all know that is just not going to happen anymore than a patriotic American is suddenly going to convert to their would-be nation’s doctrine.

Modern Trophyism

Posted in 2016 Election, Politics, Society on December 3rd, 2016

Modern Trophyism – the perceived need for physical representations of worth or status – within America is a virulent weed that has born foul fruit, as the Liberals’ and Progressives’ response to Mr. Trump being triumphant in the 2016 elections.

Modern Trophyism - This is what happens when you give children a trophy for losingThis Is What Happens When You Give Children A Trophy For Losing

True, the need or obsessive desire for trophies or any material representation of others’ validation of one’s worth is and always been a bad thing. Sadly however, the intersection of trophyism with the Liberals’ and Progressives’ obsession with equality of results and ensuring that everyone “succeeds” in anything they do irrespective of their merit in that endeavor has resulted in a pernicious, synergistic cycle of personal and social degeneration.

The Millennials’ ongoing, disruptive protests; their riots; their cry-ins; their need for specialized counseling; and their desire for special dispensation from their duties as students or, in all too rare cases, workers in the wake of Mr. Trump defeating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 elections is persuasive evidence of this pathology.

Be Thankful For Greatness

Posted in 2016 Election, Politics, Society on November 26th, 2016

Be Thankful For Greatness because Donald Trump Made Thanksgiving great again
Be Thankful For Greatness

My fellow Americans, we should be thankful for the greatness that Donald Trump has already restored to America, especially the holiday we’ve just finished celebrating, Thanksgiving. This is because this is the first Thanksgiving in many years when we, the People weren’t bombarded by anti-White and anti-American screeds about the Pilgrims and our western expansion. This is because this was irst Thanksgiving in many years when we, the People didn’t have to hear about or deal with Liberals and Progressives working out how to “correct” their “problematical” relatives and how to steer the dinner conversation into being more anti-White and anti-American screeds.

So be thankful for this. Be thankful that Trump’s shocking triumph or the Left has broken the hearts and minds of our domestic enemies so badly that they don’t even know how to approach or bother us anymore, much less have the will to do so.


Posted in 2016 Election, Politics on November 20th, 2016

It’s all too easy for Americans to mock, malign, lambast, lampoon, and otherwise ridicule the Liberals and Progressives as the protest, riot, and either scurry around in attempt to circumvent democracy or just cry, twitch, and shake in their “safe spaces.” Truly, it just too easy to do so. They do, after all. deserve such treatment by Americans. Sadly however, it is too easy and, as such, it’s but a passing pleasure that soon grows stale.


Especially interesting and of note are those losers who have embraced the #NotMyPresident twitter hashtagery and its real world pseudo-equivalent. They at least, if you look at it in a certain way, have something akin to a point. Mr. Trump isn’t and hopefully to my mind will never be their President. The Gods willing, he is and will remain our President.

And why not? For eight years – and it’s not quite over yet – the American people have been saddled with Obama, who very much wasn’t and isn’t our President. From the miscegenation of his first campaign to be the Democrats’ nominee for POTUS to this very day, the vast bulk of his rhetoric has proven this sad fact. Almost everything Obama has ever said was actively against us or, at best, dismissive of us, our beliefs, and our long-held and cherished culture.

So no, Obama wasn’t our President and Trump won’t be their President. In this, if in almost nothing else, these puling Liberals have a point – a point a counsel each and every American to hammer home into their minds.

Breaking News!

Posted in 2016 Election, Humor on November 19th, 2016

Trump Evicts Minority Family From Government HousingTrump Evicts African-America Family From Government Housing

Given the long-standing and pernicious bias of Lamestream media and their growing hysteria, I’m actually shocked that the above isn’t a real headline flashing across their 24-Hour “news” cycle. 🙄