Dinosaurs Of The Wild West

Dinosaurs Of The Wild West
Dinosaurs Of The Wild West

Artist and Imagineer, Shaun Keenan has given us something wonderful – a version of America’s Wild West that we never knew that we always wished for. ๐Ÿ˜€ Yes, Keenan has envisioned and drawn a Wild West full of dinosaurs.

The 19th Century We Wish We Had

Forget Ken Hamโ€™s Creation Museum with it’s somewhat Flintstones-esque cavemen and dinosaurs; Dinosaurs of the Wild West is the sort of park I’d love to visit. Well, so long as we keep scientists under a necessary level of control… because I want exactly no part of a Jurassic ParkWest Word crossover. ๐Ÿ˜†

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