General Population

New Penn State Logo - The Nittany PedobearsNot too long ago the filthy pedophile, Jerry Sandusky was convicted on 45 of 48 of the pedophilia charges brought against him and the upcoming sentencing hearing will likely put the filth away for the rest of its life, as it is facing a maximum sentence of 442 years in prison and the minimum it could get is 60 years.

It doesn’t have to be that long though…

If justice, as opposed to merely the law, were to be served then this pedophile would be placed in the general population of whatever prison it’s sent to to serve its sentence.

I’m its fellow inmates could and would arrange for it’s “early release” and remove this piece of subhuman filth from the rolls of vermin that the taxpayers have to support.

Frankly, whatever felon finally shanks Sandusky should be granted a pardon for all past crimes, having truly paid his debt to society and having explicitly proved his rehabilitation by exterminating a pedophile.

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