Biofuel = Fines?

Bob Teixeira decided it was time to take a stand against U.S. dependence on foreign oil. His reward from a state that heavily promotes alternative fuels: a $1,000 fine last month for not paying motor fuel taxes. He’s been told to expect another $1,000 fine from the federal government. And to legally use veggie oil, state officials told him, he would have to first post a $2,500 bond.

The state of North Carolina has decided that they prefer the $1.2 billion annual revenue from gas taxes over freedom from foreign oil or environmental concerns.

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6 Responses to “Biofuel = Fines?”

  1. Dennis Says:

    No matter what you do, they find a way to screw you.

    Unless you’re a campaign contributer.


  2. Fed Up Says:

    Extraordinary times require extraordinary solutions. It’s immoral for North Carolina to penalize that man for his contribution to the critically needed effort to reduce our dependence on people who hate us and our whole system.
    His money should be returned to him, and he should be given a pat on the back for his effort. Biodiesel represents less than one one hundredth of one percent of the fuels used in this country, and even less in North Carolina itself. It’s an insult, rather clearly. I’ll bet those macho fuel testers are so proud of their big bust. OUR HERO’S!

  3. jonolan Says:

    What gets me the most is that the N.C. Department of Revenue – the group actually responsible for fining him – didn’t want to do so.
    They had asked legislators to waive the $2,500 bond for small fuel users and have offered to negotiate his fine. NC state legislators seem
    to have other ideas.

    I guess protecting their $1.2 billion in tax revenue and stomping on people who aren’t purchasing fuel from distributors is so important
    to the NC legislator that they’re willing to discount the advice of the very bureau tasked with controlling and gathering this revenue.

  4. Christy Says:

    This makes me insane.

    Are you kidding?!?!


  5. jonolan Says:

    Nope. Not kidding one bit 🙁

    It actually makes sad kind of sense though. The car is using the roads those taxes would have helped maintain. I absolutely hate it, but the state has a valid case.

    I’m thinking we need to modify the laws at both State and Federal levels to further encourage biofuel co-production. Yeah, like that’s going to happen – Grrrr

  6. Christy Says:

    Hmm.Good point. It’s a bit like homeschoolers having to pay school taxes but not utilizing the public school system and so, in essence, paying double because they’re also funding their own educational expenses. The only difference is, he’s using the roads and utilizing the utility he’s being taxed for, so I understand the state’s case in this instance.

    Ideally, we wouldn’t have to modify laws to encourage biofuel co-production – we should be motivated by a desire to take care of the earth and our resources apart from any monetary thought. Heh. ;p

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