2012 Campaign Art

It has been said – most likely accurately – that President Obama’s 2012 campaign started on November 5, 2008. That being the case, I’m fairly positive that it’s never too early to start the propaganda campaign and media blitz / flood needed to facilitate the re-election of America’s 44th President.

Obamaprompter 2012 Presidential Campaign
Obamaprompter 2012

Obamaprompter does have certain advantages in the 2012 elections though. The camera adding 10lbs can only be a good thing, and he can – in extremis – fall back upon Milli Vanilli for inspiration and campaign songs, though Living Colour’s Cult Of Personality might be more apropos.

Obamaprompter 2012
Change you can wipe off with a squeegee.

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5 Responses to “2012 Campaign Art”

  1. chiefopiner Says:

    It’s comforting to know that the aide carrying the “football” has plenty of glass cleaner and extra squeegees in the case.

  2. Josh Brandt Says:


  3. jonolan Says:

    Thanks, Josh. That site is hilarious.

  4. Josh Brandt Says:

    no problem

  5. Obama's Dream Justice | Reflections From a Murky Pond Says:

    […] criteria for his selection of his first SCOTUS appointee? Experience? President Obama – or his teleprompter – has already told America what his criteria are for anyone he appoints as a US Supreme Court […]

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