Archive for the '2014 Election' Category

Understanding Ferguson

Posted in 2014 Election, Politics on August 21st, 2014

Understanding the race riots in Ferguson, MO is really easy. Even the shit show surrounding it is easy to understand.

Ferguson - August and November
Ferguson – August and November

At the street level it’s very simple. Blacks have a tendency when concentrated together past a certain demographic point to engage in racial protests, rioting, looting, and general (un)civil unrest whenever they feel that one of their number has been harmed by a White, especially a White law enforcement officer. Such behavior is endemic to the culture of the “Black Community” and Americans are apparently supposed to excuse it due to there having been perceived to be a long history of white cops killing supposedly innocent black people and that this isn’t something Blacks can easily “get over.”

The Obama Regime’s injection of itself into a local matter is also very simple. Without ACORN, they have to use other means to “Get Out The Vote” among this key Democrat demographic. 😉

Mmmm…RINO Meat

Posted in 2014 Election, 2016 Election, Humor, Politics on August 17th, 2014

Mmmm…RINO Meat

Oh look! Someone finally found a use for the RINOs befouling American politics. Personally, I can’t think of any better use for them. Well, maybe as a means of testing terminal performance of munitions…but one can in most cases still dress out their carcasses afterwards and sell the meat. 😆

Israel Must Compromise

Posted in 2014 Election, Politics on August 4th, 2014

This pretty much sums up the Obama Regime’s demands for Israel. Of course, it also sums up the rhetoric of every Democrat politician in America and is the softest line taken by the Liberals, progressives, and the minority sharecroppers that support them.

Compromise - Let the Ragheads kill half the Jews of Israel
Could You At Least Meet Him Half Way?

I say again, keep it firmly in mind that, as we come into the 2014 midterm elections, every single vote for a Democrat – at any level of government – is a vote for: Muslim Terrorism, the Caliphate, Islamism both here and abroad, antisemitism, and the next Sho’ah. Those who cast their votes in this manner should be treated by we, the People as exactly what they are and with extreme prejudice.

Also keep firmly in mind the fact that every vote not cast against a Democrat is also a vote for: Muslim Terrorism, the Caliphate, Islamism both here and abroad, antisemitism, and the next Sho’ah. In this instance, your vote is your voice and, if good men and women stay silent, evil will be victorious once again and the souls of the silently complicit will fair little better than those who actively supported evil.

Pelosi On Hamas

Posted in 2014 Election, Politics on August 2nd, 2014

Nancy Pelosi - Eugenicist, Racist, Socialist, TraitorDemocrat House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi actually told Candy Crowley on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday, July 27th, 2014 that the United States should consider seeing the Hamas terrorist organization the way the government of Qatar does, as a “humanitarian organization.” That’s right; according to Pelosi, Hamas shouldn’t be considered a terrorist organization, they should be considered a humanitarian one.

Pelosi’s decompensation and delusional behavior would be funny were it not for the fact that the withered cunt is House Minority Leader and is only slightly twisting the views of virtually all the Liberals and Progressives.

To be fair, however, this was CNN she was working with. Contradicting the picture that they’ve so painstakingly made of Hamas wouldn’t be in the cunt’s best political interests.

CNN's Portrait of Hamas
CNN’s Portrait Of Hamas

My fellow Americans, please keep it firmly in mind that, as we come into the 2014 midterm elections, every single vote for a Democrat – at any level of government – is a vote for: Muslim Terrorism, the Caliphate, Islamism both here and abroad, antisemitism, and the next Sho’ah. Those who cast their votes in this manner should be treated by we, the People as exactly what they are and with extreme prejudice.

Also keep firmly in mind the fact that every vote not cast against a Democrat is also a vote for: Muslim Terrorism, the Caliphate, Islamism both here and abroad, antisemitism, and the next Sho’ah. In this instance, your vote is your voice and, if good men and women stay silent, evil will be victorious once again and the souls of the silently complicit will fair little better than those who actively supported evil.

Better by far for each of us to stain our hands with the blood of the guilty than to stain our souls with the blood of the innocent.

Illegal Electioneering?

Posted in 2014 Election on July 19th, 2014

Obama as The Joker - SocialismIs it merely coincidence that the Obama Regime is moving the illegal immigrants flooding through America’s southern “border” to, and only to, areas – if one listens to what his media reports upon – of the country where the Latino vote could swing the results of the upcoming 2014 elections? Or is this a deliberate attempt by the Obama Regime to politically profiteer off of the misery and fear of these illegal aliens, the current majority being unaccompanied children who’ve been sent to the US alone to avoid conflict in Central and South America? We don’t, after all, hear about them being moved to camps in vulnerable Blue states.

This has been billed as a crisis and we all know that the Obama Regime is quasi-religious about not letting a crisis go to waste if they can manipulate the perception of it to their benefit. Then again, it might be nothing more than coincidence based upon available camps to house these people and personnel to deal with them.

Which do you think? Coincidence or a cynical attempt to use these illegals for electioneering purposes?