Archive for the '2012 Election' Category

You First, Filth

Posted in 2012 Election, Humor on November 13th, 2012

American, by and large, have not responded philosophically or with equanimity to Obama’s reelection. In response to this the Liberals, Progressives, and the vermin of the “Black Community” have responded with equal parts hate and derision.

Get Over Obama's Reelection?
Get Over it? You First, Filth

Liberals and Progressives haven’t yet “gotten over” President Bush Jr.’s first election, and the “Black Community” hasn’t even begun to move past their slavery which ended 147 years ago. Yet they say that Americans should get over Obama’s reelection right now.

But then hypocrisy is one of the Pillars of Liberalism and holding Americans to a different, higher standard than those others living within our nation’s borders is another one. It’s just plain wrong, culturally insensitive, and – following their logic – racist to expect better of them. ๐Ÿ˜‰

So I say, “You first, filth.” I’m not holding my breath though; it’s going to be a long wait.

Waiting For Outrage?

Posted in 2012 Election, Politics on November 13th, 2012

Are there any Americans left who are still waiting for outrage from the Liberals and Progressives over anything that Obama does or fails to do? If so, may I ask you what color the sky is in your world and where you get your medication?

Liberals and Progressives have no only failed to be outraged over Fast and Furious but have consistently defended Obama and his boy, Holder. This is a 180 degree turnabout from their position on the Gunwalker program, which was the Bush administrations better conceived and much better run bust still ultimately failed program that Obama’s Fast and Furious was a poor mockery of.

Still waiting for outrage from liberals over Fast and Furious?
No Liberal Outrage Over Fast and Furious

The Liberals and Progressives certainly have never shown any real outrage over the Obama Regimes reliance upon aerial drone strikes and other means of state-sanctioned murder – mass murder in some cases – to prosecute the War against Islamic Terrorism, even though these are escalations of policies that, under President Bush, they screamed, and screamed, and screamed about.

The Liberals and Progressives didn’t even flinch when Obama took it to the next step and committed various direct acts of war against sovereign nation, some of them supposedly our allies. This after for years calling President Bush a war criminal and ranting about his supposed illegal wars of aggression.

Yes we can murder whoever we want, wherever we want, whenever we want
No Liberal Outrage Over Drones Or State-Sanctioned Murders

And Benghazi? The Liberals and Progressives never even spoke of it. They heard all they need to know when Obama blamed a video for the attack and apologized to the Muslim World for Americans angering them so much that they had to murder our people. Anything to do with the Obama Regime’s murderous failures, shifting lies, and resultant desperate cover-ups they didn’t even hear. The only outrage they felt was over Americans wanting straight answers.

Liberals response to Obama's Benghazi lies and cover up
No Liberal Outrage Over Benghazi

Americans just need to wake up and smell the bitter effluence of reality. Liberals and Progressives don’t care and won’t show any outrage over the actions and/or inactions of a Democrat politician, most especially one who chose to be Black such as Obama.

Face it, the boy could get caught red-handed and wet-dicked raping his daughters Malia and Sasha and the Liberals and Progressives wouldn’t complain o’ermuch.

They’d spend their efforts saying it wasn’t “rape rape,” trying to find a way to blame the GOP, and claiming that Americans’ outrage over this hypothetical event was racist and culturally insensitive.

That they chose to reelect Obama even after he had continued or expanded so many policies and programs started under President Bush Jr., who happens to be Republican and White, that they ranted, screamed, and caterwauled about proves this point.

So, if you’re waiting for any form of outrage from the Liberals and Progressives to be aimed at Obama, you’re in for a long, long wait. Hellfire! Even if Obama did the Clinton Shuffle and moved towards the Right – the one thing that would normally invalidate his Blackness and eliminate the Left’s support – the modern crop of Liberals and Progressives would just blame it on the GOP somehow.

Fishing For Eaters

Posted in 2012 Election, Humor, Politics, Society on November 10th, 2012

Fishing has been a mainstay of Man since paleolithic times and has always played a major part in American life, society, and culture. As such, it makes a great analogy for most of our endeavors.

That’s why I’ve posted before about teaching people to fish and the differences between private sector and government fishing.

Democrats know the right bait for bottomfeeders
Fishing For Eaters And Takers

One thing about fishing, though is that you’ve got to use the right bait or you’re going home with an empty stringer or creel.

This is one thing you’v got to hand to the Democrats – they’ve known the right sorts of baits to use when fishing for Eaters, Takers, and all sorts of society’s bottom feeders. They’ve consistently reached their catch limits for generations.

Four More Years

Posted in 2012 Election, Politics on November 7th, 2012

So four more years of Obama barring oddities in the election results and direct action by individual Americans, both rather unlikely events.ย  As the Republicans easily maintained controlled of the House and continue to have enough seats in the Senate to easily block the more egregious efforts of Sen. Harry Reid, it’s also four more years of exactly the same things as the last four years.

We had the chance to change things by electing Mitt Romney but failed to do it. So now we’ll stumble along and get nowhere that is worth going as the economy continues to falter and stagnate and businesses limp along, flee the country, or fold.

This is the outcome I predicted for the 2012 elections.ย  It not the outcome I wanted but, given the nature of modern society, it’s the outcome I expected.



Make Him Pay

Posted in 2012 Election on November 4th, 2012

Obama’s agenda or incompetence got four Americans murdered by Muslim vermin in Benghazi, Libya. The sum total of Obama’s response has been to lie, dissemble, and distract from his and his regime’s crimes in the matter.

Make Obama and his filthy brood pay for Benghazi
Make Him Pay!

This coming Tuesday, November 6, 2012 is Americans’ first, best chance to make the filthy mockery of a man and a POTUS pay for his crimes and sins. After then enacting retribution upon this piece of shit will be a bit more difficult and carry greater consequences.

Of course, there’s four dead Americans and four currently live Obamas in the White House. I could understand where some would see the poetic justice in more direct retribution, though I think that should be carefully considered before acting…


He will be responsible for letting a condition develop in this country which will create a climate that will bring seeds up out of the ground with vegetation on the end of them looking like something his people never dreamed of. In 2012, itโ€™s the ballot or the bullet.