Archive for June, 2020

Congressional Appropriation

Posted in Politics on June 18th, 2020
Congressional Appropriation
Congressional Appropriation

Recently, slightly over two dozen Senior Democrat lawmakers, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, knelt in the Capitol Visitor Center for eight minutes and 46 seconds as a supposed tribute to George Floyd before going off to a press conference. All of them were prominently sporting Kente cloth scarves around or over their shoulders.

Funny, I thought a bunch of politicians, most of whom are White, wearing very iconic and culturally significant African clothing would be considered to be the nadir of Cultural Appropriation. I would have also thought – no, not really – that the media would be all over this gross and insensitive display of mockery. But, while there were some complaints from some Blacks, there was no real backlash in the media or elsewhere.

Then again, given that the media is wholly owned by the DNC and that too many Blacks are too comfortable on the Dems’ plantation to really chide them, this hypocrisy and double-standard is not too surprising.

The Party of Optics, Spectacle, And Allowed Insensitivity

Fakakta Optics or Reverse Things

One last point – Am I the only one who sees this or is everyone deliberately ignoring it?

Supposedly these Dems did this to show solidarity with the Blacks inside our nation’s borders. OK, but if so, why did these allegedly “Woke” politicans spend exactly the same amount of time in essentially in the same position as Derek Chauvin was in while he murdered George Floyd?

Think about that and the silence surrounding it!

Pelosi On Looters

Posted in Politics on June 17th, 2020
Pelosi On Looters - They're Undocumented Shoppers
Pelosi On Looters – They’re Undocumented Shoppers

I’m actually shocked that Pelosi hasn’t already said this or something so akin to it as to make no difference. Like all Democrats, she consistently panders to- and enables the worst portions of the Blacks within our borders and makes a habit of engaging in apologetics for them whenever they go feral.

We Got Your 6, Elmer

Posted in Society on June 17th, 2020
We Got Your 6, Elmer
We Got Your 6, Elmer

Amazing! After a fairly long hiatus since the last, not so well thought out attempt, they’re bringing back some Loony Tunes characters, specifically Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam. Of course, Hollywood being Hollywood, they’ve decided to do so utterly without firearms … Because, you know, “gun violence” and firearms send the wrong message to the kiddies 🙄

Yep! They’re bringing back a hunter and crazed gunslinger/cowboy, but without guns, which makes so much sense.

But don’t be concerned. The executive producer and showrunner, Peter Browngardt made it clear that the new shorts will be filled to the brim with that Olde Time Loony Tunes violence and mayhem … but no guns.

“We’re not doing guns,” executive producer and showrunner Peter Browngardt said in an interview with The New York Times.

“But we can do cartoony violence — TNT, the Acme stuff. All that was kind of grandfathered in.”In a short titled “Dynamite Dance,” Fudd uses a scythe as he chases his nemesis Bugs Bunny. Bugs Bunny responds by using explosives to blow Fudd up multiple times.

So, maybe a mashup with some Peanuts characters are in order. After all, Mr. Schulz was never afraid to go against the ideas of studio execs.

#BlackLingerieMatters 03

Posted in Society on June 14th, 2020


Black Lingerie Matters and restoring its prominence and, dare I say, preeminence in the arenas of romance and erotica is an overlooked but necessary part of Making America Great Again. Remember, it’ll be easier to truly #MAGA if we starting working upon #MLGA first.

#BlackLivesMatter Messaging

Posted in Politics, Society on June 14th, 2020
#BlackLivesMatter Messaging Issues

‘Tis true that #BlackLivesMatter has, and has always had, messaging issue. The riots currently happening across the US are just the most recent iteration of their communication chaos. They’ve never been able to agree on whether it was better to “protest” or to riot, loot, burn, and murder police officers.

And it makes perfect sense that they can’t agree on either their message or who their target audience is. Some of them actually do want to protest in a somewhat peaceful manner and proclaim to Whites that Black Lives Matter. Others, however, are drawn in by the chance at an orgy of violence and looting. And, it’s that second group that is the one getting both the media’s attention and that of politicians.

Of course, I’m White, so I could be completely wrong about this. The ones that seem more civilized and to be focusing upon the supposed message of #BlackLivesMatter could just be “Code-Switching.”