Archive for June, 2020

Unite Or Divide

Posted in Politics, Society on June 25th, 2020
Unite Or Divide
Unite Or Divide

It’s truly quite simple, yet it seems so hard for some to understand. One can say and do what unites the country or one can say or do what divides it. It’s not a hard concept, but it seems to many that it’s not one certain sorts can or will understand.

But It’s Us Who Are Wrong-Headed In This

What we, the People of the US fail to understand is this is a matter of ethnicity. The Liberals, Progressives, Leftists, Democrats, and their political sharecroppers are doing is an attempt to unite their nation. Their singular hope to bring their nation into existence upon the ravaged corpse of America to unite their people in hatred of all that America stands for and all that Americans love.

Defund Or Defend?

Posted in Politics, Society on June 24th, 2020
Defund Or Defend? An Ethnic Question
Defund Or Defend? An Ethnic Question

To defund America’s police departments or to defend them from the attacks by Blacks and the Liberal and Progressive enables? It’s a question for which a person’s answer is based upon- and indicative of their ethnicity. Democrats and those sorts likely to vote for them demand that the police across America be defunded. Americans stand tall and defend the police.

So one’s answer devolves down to are they Democrat or American.

Bikini Interlude 42

Posted in Society on June 23rd, 2020

Bikini Interlude – Flatkini Edition

As much as this particular Bikini Interlude is worth from a pure beauty standpoint, it’s also one of the rare ones with a bit of a point. That being that it’s your bikini body and, even members of the itty-bitty titty committee can look delectable in a bikini.

Remember, it’s your body. Hence, it’s your bikini body and that’s what we want to see and enjoy. 😉

Assuaging Black Grief

Posted in Politics, Society on June 23rd, 2020
Assuaging Black Grief
Assuaging Black Grief

It’s a sad fact that rioting, looting, arson, and murder are the go-to means for the Blacks inside our country’s borders to seek to assuage their appropriated grief and anger.

Daddy Issues

Posted in Humor, Society on June 22nd, 2020

Ummm… Daddy Issues?

Ahh yes; the “intersectionality” of the soft-core corollary to Rule 34 and Fathers Day. And, a jarring mix of hot and disturbing.

But that’s the thing about the internet. Memes & Tropes abound, go viral, and become embedded in society, often in ways that bear little, if any, resemblance to their original intent.

And again, Rule 34! There will be a “Sexy” [Whatever].” 🙄