Archive for December, 2018

1st Day Of Christmas

Posted in Society on December 25th, 2018

12 Days Of Christmas – The 1st Day
(Click to Enlarge)

Yes, Christmas is the 1st Day of the 12 days of Christmas, not the last. So I’ve decided to spread some cheer daily from now until Epiphany. Enjoy and your blessing be many.

The Grinches

Posted in 2018 Elections, Politics on December 25th, 2018
The Grinches
The Grinches Who Steal It All

‘Tis Christmas, and we’d all like to celebrate and spend time with our families and loved ones. But we can’t forget that there are grinches out there who have neither families nor loved ones and who harbor nothing but envy and hatred for the American people, who do. We must remember that these Grinches would like to steal all that we have and aspire to, including Christmas.

Just as George Washington and the patriots of the Continental Army set aside their celebrations 242 years ago this night, modern patriots must be ready, willing, able, and equipped to do whatever is necessary to defend our nation and our people from these domestic enemies, who are far worse than any Hessians ever were.

Time To Unwrap

Posted in Society on December 25th, 2018
‘Tis Time To Unwrap Your Presents

Good morning and Merry Christmas! Here’s to wishing that you each and all have some beautiful presents to unwrap this day. 😉

Cthulhu The Snowman

Posted in Humor, Society on December 25th, 2018
Cthulhu The Snowman
Cthulhu The Snowman

Here’s wishing all my readers and friends an unspeakably joyous Christmas holiday Season.

Cthulhu fhtagn!

Even A Broken Clock

Posted in 2018 Elections, Politics on December 23rd, 2018
Even A Broken Clock Is Right Sometimes
Even A Broken Clock Is Right Sometimes

Well Damn! I guess that old adage about broken clock is more right than I thought. The Dems’ next-wave crazy, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez actually said some both correct and not for once antithetical to American people’s sensibilities.

Because yes, it IS completely unacceptable that members of Congress can force a government shutdown on partisan lines and then have Congressional salaries exempt from the consequences of that decision.