Archive for December, 2015

Those Aren’t For You!

Posted in Politics, Society on December 15th, 2015

Upraised Fist - Symbol of PowerPlease understand that when it comes to “Civil Rights” or, as the Liberals, Progressives, and their minority tenants more and more want to call them, “Civil Liberties,” all Americans must remember that, if your White, Christian, and/or Heterosexual – i.e., part of what is the norm – those aren’t for you. “Civil Rights” weren’t created, developed, and promulgated for your protection; they are solely meant for the benefit of minorities, more often than not at your expense. They are a sword aimed you, not a shield for your protection.

The lone exception to this is that, going by the slant of media coverage and the prevalence and results of lawsuits of federal investigations, “Civil Rights” are a sword in the hands of any womyn who chooses to attack a Straight, White man with it. Whether or not this is also true of attacks against non-White and/or Queer males is unknown but doubtful.

This means that supporting “Civil Rights” is directly contrary to the interests of the normal or normative American. That being the case, whether or not any individual still decides to support “Civil Rights” is a matter of moral choice – charity is, after all, always contrary to one’s self interests yet is a good act.

Trumping The Dhimmies

Posted in 2016 Election, Politics on December 9th, 2015

The various and sundry Dhimmis inside America’s borders, along with the equally various grifters who profit off of race-baiting, are raising cane over Donald Trump promise to close and secure America’s borders to Muslim immigration. Leaving aside all the claims of racism, Nazism, and other pejorative attacks, many of these Dhimmis – almost but not entirely all Liberals and Progressives – claim that such a ban couldn’t legally be accomplished.

For the sake of both accuracy and America’s security I believe that trumping the Dhimmis’ claim is necessary. All Mr. Trump has to do upon being elected POTUS is issue the following Executive Order (EO):

The Secretary of Treasury [State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to [Insert List of Muslim Dominated Nations] citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not reissue visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven humanitarian reasons or where the national interest of our own country requires. This directive will be interpreted very strictly.

Additionally all [Insert List of Muslim Dominated Nations] students in US are required to report to immigration offices with a view to deporting those in violation of their visas.

All of the above is perfectly legal and tested in court. This is proven since Jimmy Carter, a Liberal and Progressive icon, did this in 1979 and 1980, though limited to only Iranian nationals. Oh! and Carter also with the same EO formally severed all diplomatic ties with Iran; put into effect official sanctions prohibiting exports from the United States to Iran; and froze all Iranian government assets in the US.

Also, all of the above was enacted by Carter over a single incident, The Iran Hostage Crisis, in which the only US casualties were a result of a failed rescue attempt and even those deaths were a result of mechanical failure, not terrorist action.

And that, my fellow Americans, definitively trumps the Dhimmis’ rantings and raving. 😉

Paris vs. San Bernardino

Posted in Politics, Religion, Society on December 7th, 2015

Not only is the difference in the Liberals’ and Progressives’ blatantly obvious, their rationale and motives for that difference is very, very simple. In their minds America deserves to be attacked whereas France doesn’t.

France vs. USParis vs. San Bernardino

To Liberals and Progressives the only enemy is White Christians and Jews. No attack against them is a crime; if perpetrated by a Non-White or Non-Christian upon a White Christian, they consider it just reprisal. Everything else beyond that is rooted in this ideology and is an attempt by the Liberals and Progressives to take punitive action against White Christians and Jews.

Yes, They’re Muslims

Posted in Politics, Religion, Society on December 6th, 2015

While any and all Americans can expect certain sorts of grifters, e.g., the Obamas, to lie and proclaim that the many and sundry Jihadis and Muslims terrorists aren’t Islamic, the rank hypocrisy and arrogant stupidity of the rank and file Liberals and Progressives is what is truly maddening.


Yes, Jihadis Are Muslims
(Click to Enlarge)

Worse, they don’t even see or hear their own hypocrisy; nor will they understand the allegory in the image above – though they will declaim me as racist anyway.

It’s a crying shame that they’re unlikely to ever be in a position to voice their views face-to-face with a jihadi. I’d pay good money to watch that and wouldn’t consider the jihadi’s response to be wrong in any way, though I might critique their technique.

Got Your Tree Yet?

Posted in Humor, NYC Dining, Religion, Society on December 6th, 2015

It’s close enough now that you should be considering picking out your Christmas tree for this year’s holiday season.


Picking Out The Xmas Tree
(Click to Enlarge)

Perhaps you should ask your woman to go pick one out. There’s the chance that she could get a better deal on one than you could. 😉