Archive for August, 2013

Bloomberg’s Nightmare

Posted in Food & Drink, Humor, NYC Dining, Politics on August 10th, 2013

And here we have Michael Bloomberg’s nightmare, a weapon of mass destruction that would send shivers down what passes for the would-be tyrant’s spine. Add a 20 Oz soda grenade and the worthless piece of filth would be found pissing himself under a desk somewhere.

WMD Food Gun
Bloomberg’s Nightmare

The verkocteh mamzer is absolutely terrified of food and firearms in the hands of the People.  I can, given Bloomberg’s proclivities, almost understand the former – no bullet fired into him or his kin could be called a waste – but the latter is a sure sign of some sort of derangement. 😉

Feminist Pathology

Posted in Society on August 10th, 2013

CryingIt’s impossible for anyone of a rational bent to fail to realize that the Feminists of today exhibit a very strong and destructive pathology and that the pathology they exhibit is the pathology of victimhood.

Feminists have to be victims, otherwise they have no purpose. It doesn’t matter what their choices are or have been; if they don’t get the results that they want, it’s because of “The Patriarchy.”

An example of this is inadvertently provided by Sheilah O’Donnel:

O’Donnel, featured in the “60 Minutes” story pushing a stroller, was, in some ways, an unlikely voice of the opt-out revolution. She had been proudly working since she was 15, when she had a job as a coat-check girl. By 17, she was buying clothes and books and food — and sometimes even paying her family’s electric bill — through jobs that included waitressing and pedaling tourists around downtown Columbus, Ohio, on a pedi-taxi.

She worked her way through Ohio State and, eager to pay off her college loans, got a job selling copiers. She eventually landed in a competitive training program at Oracle, the technology company, where she rose quickly through the ranks, ending up in the top 5 percent of the sales force. She also met the man who would become her husband, Mark Eisel — an up-and-comer in management. They worked hard and became well off. At her peak, O’Donnel was earning $500,000 a year.

But after her first two children were born, O’Donnel’s travel for work became more difficult. She gave up a quarter of her earnings in exchange for working three days a week, but felt marginalized, her best accounts given to others, meetings often scheduled on her days out of the office. “I felt like a second-class citizen,” she said.

O’Donnel’s angst-filled lament on how she was treated by her employer, Oracle perfectly sums the victimhood displayed by the modern crop of Feminists that plague society. Specifically, it addresses the truth of their current, delusional rants about the “Wage Gap.”

O’Donnel, like a majority of women, chose to move her job to a secondary position in favor of raising her children. Yet, as a victim of Feminism, her pathology forced her to blame her employer for making the needed alternations in their practices to avoid being financially harmed by her decision because, according to the pathology of victimology that the Feminists promulgate, it’s their fault for not ignoring the consequences to them of her choices and guaranteeing her the same results as before. Even her use of “second-class citizen” fits the pathology, as it summons up the hoary, old canard of civil rights violations.

Beautiful Sentiment

Posted in Society on August 9th, 2013

Female celebrities really seem to love stripping down for whatever their current pet cause célèbre is. I certainly don’t mind this as it lends beauty to the sentiments, even when those sentiment lack significant inherent beauty themselves.

A case in point is Amanda Heard’s photo shoot for marriage equality.

Amber Heard Naked For Equality - A beautiful sentiment but not predicated upon accepted reality
A Beautiful Sentiment But A Flawed Premise

Amanda Heard’s naked body certainly lends both interest and beauty to the sentiments involved in the cause of legalizing and normalizing queer marriages. Sadly, however, not matter how nice Ms. Heard is too look at she doesn’t change the fact that the entire queer marriage cause is predicated upon the premise that homosexuality is either acceptable behavior or an inborn, harmless yet incurable medical condition that must be accounted for and for which allowances must be made.

Neither of these premises are accepted by the majority of people at this time. Consensus opinion is still strongly divided upon whether or not homosexuality is inborn or behavior choice. Consensus opinion is also divided, though less widely, upon whether or not homosexuality, if it’s an inborn genetic or congenital condition, is harmless or more of the nature of alcoholism or other inborn psycho-medical pathologies.

It also doesn’t help Ms. Heard’s cause that she’s bisexual with, reportedly, a strong preference for other women. That makes this all seem a bit self-serving.

So Amanda Heard’s demonstration is a beautiful sentiment in so many contexts but is based upon a flawed premise since many, many people will just believe that it is another case where Liberals want people’s choices not to have negative consequences – equality and similarity of results without concern for inputs.

Zimmerman v. Obama

Posted in Ethics & Morality, Politics on August 7th, 2013

A simple comparison between men who’s lives have become embroiled in the public’s consciousness – George Zimmerman and Barack Obama…

Zimmerman v. Obama - A moral contrast
Zimmerman v. Obama

One, George Zimmerman, has a history of putting himself in harms way and putting his community before himself. The other, Barack Obama, has a history of protecting himself and rarely considering the needs of his community much less putting those needs above his own desires.

One, George Zimmerman, was acquitted of murdering one angry, young Black male who attacked him. The other, Barack Obama, has ordered the murder of hundreds, if not thousands, of individuals and will likely never see the inside of courtroom, much less a prison or death chamber.

A simple comparison between to people, one who would be hero if he were not too White and another who be a villain if he were not too Black.

Yes, I know that there are some, the Liberals and the minority tenants, who will rave that it’s racist to compare George Zimmerman and Barack Obama because holding a Black to the same as standards as a White Hispanic is grossly unfair and can never lead to equal results. Oh well. They can just call me a racist and move on.

We’re Halfway Home

Posted in Politics on August 7th, 2013

BallotWe’re halfway home. Specifically we’re 50.4% through the process to abolish the Electoral College and elect our Presidents directly through the popular vote of we, the People. This is because Gov. Lincoln Chafee (D-RI) signed a bill into law that committed Rhode Island to the National Popular Vote interstate compact.

This is a very important milestone.

So far 10 states – VT, MD, WA, IL, NJ, DC, MA, CA, HI, and RI – have joined the compact. They control between them 136 electoral votes. We still need a combination of states controlling 134 electoral to join the compact before we can remove the Electoral College from existence and place the electorate in charge of choosing a President.

We’re halfway home but the half remaining and the expected lawfare from Congress is going to make it long and bloody slog. It’s worth it though, no matter what it costs in blood, sweat, and tears, because it will force presidential candidates to concern themselves with all the People, not just a select few.