Archive for September, 2012

She’s Such An Example

Posted in 2012 Election on September 6th, 2012

Well, Moochelle the Grifter is out stumping around for her husband in the hopes that enough of America’s domestic enemies will vote for him so that she can maintain the taxpayer-funded lifestyle that’s she’s gotten so accustomed to wallowing in.

Moochelle's Hate Speech
If You Don’t Vote For Barack You’re Rich, White, Racist Pig

As is to be expected though, her oratory can best be described as hate speech and dog-whistle racial attacks at any and all Whites who happen to have been successful in life – except, of course, for any of them who feel guilty over working and reaping the rewards of their labor.

All this while tricked out from head to toe in the finest costuming and makeup that the American people could be forced to buy for her.

She’s such an example…

Why So Serious?

Posted in 2008 Election, 2012 Election on September 4th, 2012

Why So Curious, George?
When Two Selves Come Into Conflict

Could it simply be that Obama is decompensating and his inner self is finally being seen? That would explain the bitterness inherent in the boy’s immediate dive into negative politics and attack in the 2012 elections.

It could instead be a well-though-out out and quasi-Machiavellian example of realpolitik instead though. Obama won in 2008 due to a shift in the demographics of the American electorate. He won on the strength of the turnout of young people and Blacks – and multiple polls suggest that those two demographics are not enthusiastic this time around.

Frankly, once installed in office, Obama utterly failed to continue to be inspirational to those groups who put him in office in the first place. As he can’t run on the strength of his record, trying to inspire key demographics to vote against Romney instead of for himself might be his best strategy to keep his job.

It’s not likely to be a winning strategy though, if that’s Obama’s, his handlers’, and proxies’ actual thought. It didn’t work for Kerry and it likely won’t work this time either.

Perilous Exceptionalism

Posted in 2012 Election, Politics, Society on September 4th, 2012

Former US Secretary of State Condoleeza RiceOn Wednesday, August 29, 2012 at the 2012 Republican National Convention Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice took the podium and delivered a rousing speech that brought the crowd to their feet and kept them there throughout her oration.

Her focus on the incredible opportunities America presents and the extraordinary goodness of America was a stark contrast to Obama’s normal complaints about the country and its people.

It was an awesome speech and you can read a transcript of it here. One statement in it, however, stood out and still stands out in my mind, and it’s likely not the point that Ms. Rice would want anyone to focus upon as her speech was largely positive in nature.

Whenever you find yourself doubting us – just think of all the times that we have made the impossible seem inevitable in retrospect.

Ms. Rice spoke a great truth in that simple sentence. Yet, in it she has described the truly perilous exceptionalism of America. We are exceptional and we, as a unified people, have made made the impossible seem inevitable in retrospect. That can cut both ways though.

It has always seemed impossible to normal Americans that our country could sink into a entitlement state. Yet, in retrospect, it seems to have been inevitable. It has always seemed impossible to normal Americans that our country could become a semi-totalitarian nanny state. Yet, in retrospect, it seems have been inevitable. It has always seemed impossible to normal Americans that our societal morality could degenerate so far and in so many ways as it has. Yet, in retrospect, it seems to have been inevitable.

This is why America’s exceptionalism is so perilous. We as a people are so powerful and so dynamic that the seemingly impossible is made commonplace and this has fostered a complacency that may well doom us because we fail to understand that it can happen here.