Archive for May, 2011

Persian Spring

Posted in Politics on May 17th, 2011

Riddle me this – Why do Liberals in the West insist on call the riots, insurrections, and rebellions still raging across much of the Muslim World the “Arab Spring” when all the key participants seem allied with Iran?

Shouldn’t we call it the “Persian Spring?”

Why We’re Angry

Posted in Politics on May 16th, 2011

Liberals choose to act as if they don’t understand why Americans are angry over many of the hand-outs provided by the federal government. They prefer instead to describe it as malice against the “poor.”

Foodstamp Misuse
It Is No Wonder That Many Are Angry

Few and lessening restrictions upon who can get food stamps aka EBT combined with almost no practical restrictions upon what they can be spent upon make this particular program a source of great unrest among Americans.

Cast Drift And Lost

Posted in Musings, Philosophy, Society, Technology on May 15th, 2011

This post is solely due to the emotions that my friend – you don’t really know me so you don’t understand the weight of that word upon my soul –  ichabod dredged up out of my memory by including a simple image in one of his articles.

I refer you, my valued reader, simply to this video – a rare glimpse of Canada’s Bluenose as she lived and loved upon the Widowmaker,

The Bluenose vs. Gertrude L. Thebaud

Years and years ago I stood the deck of the Bluenose II, which was a true replica of the original great lady of the Grand Banks. Standing there I wept. I wept with both the joy of her lines and life and with grief over Man’s casting her and her sisters aside along with the love of them in favor of the practicalities of modern maritime shipping.

I wept as I read and commented on ichabod’s article and I wept still as wrote this one.

I f you can’t understand why I weep without shame over the loss of these grand queens of the seas then the languages of our souls have too little in common with each others’ to ever truly understand each other.

I say that without reproach for I know that I’m a living, or plausible facsimile of living, atavism in this modern and needfully oh-so-practical world.

For those very few who will care, the Bluenose died in January of 1946 when she was gutted on a Haitian reef. With her died an era and large part, – in my estimation – of Man’s soul.

Proof Against Proof

Posted in Politics, Society, Technology on May 12th, 2011

Western society, especially America, has in recent decades become increasingly skeptical and distrusting. Put simple, we lack faith and trust in each other and almost anyone in positions of authority or who claims some authority on a topic.

Pics Or It Didn't Happen
Pics Or It Didn’t Happen – Not That We’ll Believe The Pics

Cries, often less than joking, of, “Pics or it didn’t happen,” “Show your work,” and “What are your sources,” are rife in most discussions, debates, and arguments in the modern Western world.

More often than not, if these demands are responded to, the result is that the people do not either accept or review the image and/or sources provided; instead they declaim them as fraudulent or impugn them for some other reason, most often perceived bias due to whatever funding mechanism are in place for those sources.

Little or nothing is believed. This is certainly true of anything that contradicts people’s opinions and beliefs and I believe that even holds true for things that agree with said people’s opinions and beliefs, though they’re willing to “suspend disbelief” enough to use it to further their various agendas.

It seems to me that we as a societal whole have become cynical and skeptical enough that we’re actually proof against proof.

Deathly Double Standards

Posted in Politics on May 9th, 2011

Jeff Goldstein of protein wisdom has this to say about the Obama Regime’s refusal to disseminate photos of Osama bin Laden’s post-extermination remains:

Evidently, the SEAL team “assaulters” didn’t have the good sense to attach fake electrodes to dead Osama’s genitals, or put a dog collar around his putrid neck. Because were that the case, no force on earth could keep the photos from being splashed all over the internet.

“We don’t trot out this stuff as trophies,” Obama told CBS’s Steve Croft.

Coffin-draped caskets of American soldiers, on the other hand? Why, INFORMATION MUST BE FREE!*

H/T to Steve B over at Tattered Bits of Brain for the link to Protein Wisdom, which I shamelessly repurposed.

Mr. Goldstein, with ample sarcasm, sums up what passes for modern society and the underlying double standard of Obama and his Liberals when it comes to depictions of the dead.