Where Life Went

Do you ever wonder where your life went and/or how you spent your life and upon what? By that I mean do you ever wonder to what your life went and in what portions?

I’m not speaking of some sort of “midlife crisis,” nor am I speaking of the slow, measured pacing from birth to grave that is governed by the implacable cadences of time and entropy. I’m speaking of this in a more Einsteinian relativistic manner based on the perception of time, interest or passion, and effort.

If you spend two hours speaking with a beautiful woman, you feel, at the end of the two hours that you’ve spent only two minutes with her; while if you spend two minutes sitting on hot tin, you feel you’ve spent two days!

— Albert Einstein
Explaining the Theory of Relativity

Throughout our existence we spend our lives, either actively or passively, in various pursuit. Whether we have so profligately or miserly it is the same; we have, through our efforts and attention or inattention, spent the measure of our respective spans on the things we have done, thought of, and cared about.

Do you consider these things and how you’ve spent your time pursuing them? If so, by what measure or by what scales do you measure them to tally them up so as to determine the return on your investment.

Do you ever wonder if the Gods have their own scales and measures and if they in their turn measure our return in their investment of our lives?

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3 Responses to “Where Life Went”

  1. Moriah Says:

    Do you consider these things and how you’ve spent your time pursuing them? If so, by what measure or by what scales do you measure them to tally them up so as to determine the return on your investment.

    All the time, Jonolan, but I think you know or can surmise the answer by what measure I use when I consider my life…

    Great post!

  2. jonolan Says:

    Thanks, Christy. And yes – I think I have a pretty “good guess” by what measure you judge your life.

  3. ichabod Says:

    Hi jonolan;

    I pursued your link and the questions are deep.

    The grand mystery of the ages, the game we all play at one time or another and we continue to flirt with these thoughts till the end.

    The rules are simple enough I feel, and even so, they are difficult to follow at times, stirring up a spiritual turmoil that spreads far beyond, like the wave on a body of water.

    When we learn to quit thrashing about and to relax and float in this sea of life, I believe peace settles down the chaos that is, for a moment at least.

    If the Gods measure what, when and intent, how will we fare?

    No one truly knows, do they?

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