Archive for the 'Ethics & Morality' Category

Morally Ignorant

Posted in Ethics & Morality, Politics, Society on July 13th, 2022
Morally Ignorant And Proud Of It
Morally Ignorant And Proud Of It

To start with, understand that AOC is just the currently most visible, incessantly vocal, and most publicly hubristic example of what is inherently wrong with our domestic enemies, the Left and their non-White Coat-Tail Riders. They’re all like this. They always have been. And they always will be.

These sorts have always held and stridently preached that the truth is secondary to- and must be, at best, forcibly held in subordination to their and their chosen ones’ narratives.

In sad truth, they’re not only morally ignorant, their morality is based upon deliberate ignorance and rejection of the truth and any and all facts that evidence that truth. And, that means you can no more successfully argue with them than you can with any other religious fanatic.

Wrong Right Side Of History

Posted in Ethics & Morality, Politics, Society on June 29th, 2022
You'all Might Be On The Wrong Right Side Of Histor
You’all Might Be On The Wrong Right Side Of History

One things all these angry, screaming feminists don’t seem to understand, and never have done so, is that America already had an “argument” much like the one they’re fomenting and the outcome was bloodily decided. They just refuse to understand that they’re likely on the wrong “right” side of history when it comes to killing their unborn children aka abortion.

We’ve heard and read time and time again how the South claimed – and many Southerners still claim to this day – that their secession from the Union, which sparked the Civil War, was predicated upon States’ Rights and the Federal Government’s infringement thereupon. And, in all truth, that is an accurate claim. However, the only States’ Right so violently in contention was the right for citizens to own Blacks as chattel slaves.

And now and in recent times we’ve heard and read time and time again how Women’s Rights are being stripped from them. And, again, it is a single right that is in violent contention – their right to have an abortion for any reason or no reason at all.

Not a very great deal of difference between the two positions since they’re predicated upon the victims of that right not inherently being persons. Both the slaveholders of the 19th Century and Feminists of today strongly believe that their rights trump the basic rights of the victims… who, as they aren’t considered persons, can’t be victims in the first place, merely property to disposed of at will.

OK, there is one significant difference. In the South it was illegal for a master to deliberately kill their slaves except for a small number of reasons, and a few – I believe 4 – masters were tried, convicted, and executed for it. That’s right; the South granted more legal right to life to their property than Feminists acknowledge for their children.

Hence, Feminists really need to consider that they may well be on the wrong right side of history in a many we’ve seen and dealt with before. I doubt it’s a history that they really want to repeat.

Shoulder Cosmology

Posted in Ethics & Morality, Humor, Philosophy, Religion, Society on May 7th, 2021

Shoulder Cosmology Of The Religious Sort
(Click to Enlarge)

Cosmology in the religious as opposed to the secular, anti-theist context, is the explanation of the origin, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe, from a more natural, religious perspective. It is also largely irrelevant to us mortals. Our personal cosmology is what we should be concerned about, not Creation’s.

So, rather than considering Heaven’s plan for creation, consider the state of your own soul and the angel and devil on your shoulders.

Of course, if you’re at all like me, you’re more likely considering how to get either your angel or your devil on both your shoulders. 😉

Fishing Ideologies

Posted in Ethics & Morality, Politics, Society on November 28th, 2020
Fishing Ideologies

Fishing, it’s a thing – a great thing and a great thing to love. Well, to the sane people among us at least; others, not so much. Great or not though, it underscores a lot of the key differences in outlook between the two primary ideologies in the US.

Monkeys Then And Now

Posted in Ethics & Morality, Society, Technology on May 18th, 2020
Monkeys Then And Now
Monkeys Then And Now

As I’ve said before, we’ve been in a long slide into immorality and societal collapse. As I’ve also said before, this is to some extent to be expected; it’s the natural result of certain thought patterns and the normal cycle of Man.

Still, when it becomes more societally fundamental and destroying basic behavioral rules which aid in that society being civil, it’s maddening. The simple fact that Millennials have turned “speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil” on its ear speaks directly to what is wrong with today’s generation, who are horrifically the future of society.

And yeah, it’d be so easy to partially excuse them and blame it on modern technology. That, however, doesn’t make any more sense than blaming firearms for people’s violence. Sure, constant internet usage and the nature of social media make their bad behavior easier, but they’re not the cause of it. The cause of it is something that is very wrong in the hearts, minds, and souls of the Millennials.