Archive for December, 2017

Ebenezer Schumer

Posted in Politics on December 21st, 2017

Ebenezer SchumerEbenezer Schumer – Bah Humbug!

Yep! Humbug pretty aptly sums up Schumer’s opinion – and that of every other congressional Democrat, exactly none of which voted in favor of it – of Americans’ Christmas gift, significant tax cuts across all taxpaying brackets.

OMFG! It’s Taxcutageddon!

Posted in Politics on December 20th, 2017

Taxcutageddon!OMFG! It’s Taxcutageddon!

By the sounds and sheer volume of the ranting, raving, and bleating by Liberal, Progressives, and their chosen politicians, the Democrats, you’d think we were facing Armageddon or, in this cases, Taxcutageddon. Nancy Pelosi is just the most extreme and least sane of the lot; the majority of our domestic enemies are squealing the same idiocies about the GOP’s tax reform bill, the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.”

Of course, for the Left, the vast majority of Americans who actually pay federal income tax getting approximately a 9% reduction in federal income taxes, along with a simplified tax code is “the end of the world” when combined with some wealthier people getting a greater reduction and companies, both “S” and “C” corporations getting significantly reduced federal income taxes. Then, when you’re all about “Income Inequality,” anything that betters the prospects of the Makers, even if it also benefits most others, is an existential threat.

What Is Fascism?

Posted in Politics, Society on December 12th, 2017

Roman Fasces - Type found on Lincoln MemorialSo what is Fascism? It’s sort of like pornography for the Leftists inside of America. They can’t really define it in empirical terms as a unique and quantifiable thing, but they sure as the Hells know it when they see it. But, while admittedly still failing to empirically define fascism as a unique socioeconomic philosophy, it’s actually fairly easy to define fascism in a real world, boots-on-the-ground context.

Fascism is Socialism enacted by main force.

More On Jerusalem

Posted in Announcements on December 10th, 2017

Hilter Recognized Jerusalem!More On Jerusalem

While the Muslims’ reaction, or lack thereof, to President Trump’s decision to move the US Embassy in Israel to the capital, Jerusalem was completely expected by all and sundry, the reaction to it by Obama and others of the boy’s ilk is, if not odd in tenor, nonsensical in detail.

Then again, Obama is a Black and Blacks are socialized to be Anti-Semites. Also, so many Liberals and Progressives are similarly Anti-Semite and just love to compare Israel to Hitler’s Germany and/or Botha’s South Africa. Maybe this is less nonsensical than merely another shibboleth of our domestic enemies.

On Jerusalem

Posted in Politics on December 9th, 2017

It is fact, no longer possibility, President Trump has done what so many of his presidential predecessors promised but failed to do. He has fully enacted all provisions in the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 and has begun the process of moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.

Muslims On JerusalemMuslims Before & After Jerusalem’s Recognition

Of course, there was outrage over President Trump doing this. Most of our domestic enemies and no small number of our foreign “allies” decried move, citing that it would incite the Muslim World to violence.

In actuality, however, the Muslim World’s views on the matter of Jerusalem, Israel, and the Jewish people have remained constant and steadfast, reacting little to the announcement. Much like the liberals and progressives inside America, the Muslims aren’t going to get sidetracked by anything like this.