LTG (Ret) Sanchez’s Speech
On October 12, 2007 LTG (Ret) Ricardo S. Sanchez gave an address to the military reporters and editors at a luncheon in Washington D.C.. Since then the US media has made a big story of how his speech was a rant against the Bush administration. As is all too common in today’s partisan and agenda driven “journalism” outlets they have both slanted the truth and chosen to only report on part of it.
I’m not going to include excerpts from LTG (Ret) Sanchez’s speech in this post. Doing so, given the nature of his address, would be committing the same transgression the main stream media has.
Please read the Full Transcript of LTG (Ret) Ricardo S. Sanchez’s speech and form you own opinions.
Tags: Politics | Sanchez | US Military