Archive for the 'Philosophy' Category

Noteworthy Archetypes

Posted in Humor, Philosophy on November 27th, 2022
Know The Noteworthy Archetypes
Know The Noteworthy Archetypes

While it’s true that Jung isn’t the most favored or respected of philosophers and psychoanalysts in this age, but his works on the collective unconsciousness of Man and the embodiment of Archetypes in our individual and group worldviews is seminal. So, here’s to helping you all know the Noteworthy Archetypes you’ll likely encounter a bit better. πŸ˜‰

Blue Collar Existentialism

Posted in Humor, Philosophy on September 18th, 2022
Blue Collar Existentialism
Blue Collar Existentialism

Philosophy is normally a subject of “study” restricted to the provided-for intellectual elites who will, sadly, never need to do anything useful to earn a living. But, in all truth, philosophy isn’t only for ivory towers. It’s also found in Walmart – especially existentialism and nihilism. πŸ˜†

Do Your Beliefs Matter?

Posted in Ethics & Morality, Philosophy, Religion, Society on September 1st, 2022
Do Your Beliefs Matter?
Do Your Beliefs Matter?

Either your beliefs matter or they don’t. Do your beliefs matter? Or are you one of many, many, many sorts who claim beliefs but stay silenced by the fears of opprobrium? If you’re the latter what does that say about you?

Or, maybe it says more about your beliefs – not the content thereof, but your actual understanding of them. Maybe you don’t really believe in what you think you do. Maybe, that belief or yours is just a convenient placeholder and placard for what you really believe.

Solving Whites' Problems

Posted in Humor, Musings, Philosophy, Politics, Society on January 8th, 2022
Solving Whites' Problems Isn't That Hard

Talk Less, Fuck More
Solving Whites’ Problems Isn’t That Hard

This is probably the single most effective, but least used, means of solving the majority of White’s problems. Since the Internet and Social Media have both weaponized words and put weapons of mass destruction in the hands of everyone in the Civilized World, this is really just an extension of the 1960s iconic, antiwar slogan, “Make love, not war.

NOTE: This Is For Whites’ Problems

This advice is almost entirely Amerocentric and/or Eurocentric, though some minorities in the West, e.g., most Asian groups, could benefit from it as well, as could Asian countries like Japan, though for the purpose of addressing different problems. Other minorities in the West, especially inside America’s borders would see fewer benefits from talking less and fornicating more. The potential exception to that would be Black women, but only with a significant shift in priorities on their part.

But.. as Whites are the majority and dominant group in the West, and as our problems are almost hegemonic in how they spread to and impact the rest of the world, solving our problems would per force benefit everyone. πŸ˜‰

The Zen Of Cats

Posted in Humor, Philosophy, Religion on October 19th, 2021

The Zen of cats? With cats? Both? Meh, who cares? It’s Zen; it’s relaxing for you and the cat in question. Sounds like a good meditative exercise and something that’s good for the soul. πŸ˜›