Archive for the 'The Environment' Category

Driving With Deer

Posted in Humor, Society, The Environment on July 2nd, 2021

Driving With Deer – Some Of Y’all Won’t Get This, Gods Bless Ya

Yep! Those of us who’ve lived in the country and/or extensively drove through the more rural parts of America have entirely different feeling towards- and relationship with deer, especially if they’re anywhere near the road we’re on.

The Great Green Delusion

Posted in Politics, Society, The Environment on February 13th, 2021
The Great Green Delusion – An Electric Fleet

It’s odd that both Elon Musk and Akio Toyoda have been the ones that spoke the truth about converting the world’s fleet of automobiles to Electric Vehicles (EVs). Yet, it’s unsurprising that, aside from a short “news” cycle of outrage and derision from the Green Left, what they said has been ignored by these same delusional climatards and their media outlets.

As there are none so blind as those who will not see, so too are there none so deaf as those who will not hear. And that sums up what passes for the mentality of these sorts. Their delusion is reinforced by the dogma and is not subject to interventions by facts that contradict their visions of the future they want to enact up the world.

There! I Fixed It

Posted in Humor, Society, The Environment on September 30th, 2020
There! I Fixed It. No more Global Warming
There! I Fixed It

Seems legit! C’mon, Folks! Those masks can save you from anything, including Global Warming. They’re magical, mystical, talismanic wonders, guaranteed to make the world a better place. ๐Ÿ˜›

That’s right! Those PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) will lower PPM (Parts Per Million) of CO2, just ask any “Climatologist.” Of course, a bunch of those “Climatologists” will also tell you that Global Warming caused the Coronavirus outbreak, so …

Save The Damn Bees!

Posted in Society, The Environment on August 3rd, 2020

Save The Damn Bees!
(Click to Enlarge)

Africanization, habitat loss for some wild species, colony collapse disorder, and now Murder Hornets! We seriously need to save the bees – specifically, the European Honey Bee (a melange of various Apis mellifera subspecies).


Really! Save The Damn Bees!
(Click to Enlarge)

And Hellfire! Forget the agriculture. Think of the honey and all the wonderful things it can be drizzled upon. I mean Karo and/or Golden syrup are all well and good, but honey is better.

CRISPR Critters

Posted in Society, Technology, The Environment on December 12th, 2018
CRISPR Critters – Coming Soon?

Yessiree! What with the recent advances is extensive genetic engineering and design through the use of CRISPR, can CRISPR Critters be that far off? After all, it’s already being done. Hell! GloFish have been on the pet market for a few years now.  And, some scientists have even taking the first step of reverting birds – chickens! – to their ancient theropod forms.

And yes! I’m mostly being sarcastic. Still, once the science is available, people will find all sorts of uses for it.