Archive for July, 2024

Backassward As Always

Posted in Politics, Society on July 2nd, 2024
Trannies And Tranny-Chasers - Backassward As Always
Trannies And Tranny-Chasers – Backassward As Always

Trannies and their enablers are, like almost every other sort of nonnormative or culturally exilic group in America, backassward as usual. Trans Rights aren’t Human Rights. Human Rights are Trans Rights.

The Word Order Matters

Yes, the word order matters. It matters a great deal. While to many “Trans rights are human rights” and “Human rights are Trans rights” seem to say the same thing, this is not actually the case. The order of application is reversed between the two and that matters more than most people believe. And, that’s a deliberate corruption of the language by the manipulative grifters who created and first promulgated the phrase, “Trans rights are human rights.”

It’s all a cynical and sick ploy to convince people to believe that anything the “Trans Community” wants is both a right and a basic human right. But the truth is that Trannies have the same basic human rights as any other human being and nothing other or more than them.

And, here’s a little fact: If you’re supposed right requires the positive actions of another person, it’s not a right at all.

Mmmmm :-)

Posted in Society on July 1st, 2024

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it now, and I’ll say it again and again, the best part of beach days is the showers at the end.

Hamas Is Hamas

Posted in Politics, Society on July 1st, 2024
Hamas Is Hamas - All Should Be Exterminated
Hamas Is Hamas – All Should Be Exterminated

Just a reminder – Hamas is Hamas. It doesn’t matter if they’re in Gaza or on a campus in America. They all belong in landfills.