Archive for February, 2023

Chinese Spy Balloon

Posted in Politics on February 6th, 2023
Chinese Spy Balloon
That Pesky Chinese Spy Balloon

Ah yes. The Chinese released a spy balloon… again. And it floated across the continental US at some great height and to little to no intelligence gathering purpose. China’s ever-growing array of spy satellites over America have got that covered and much more effectively so.

C’mon, Folks! Three of these gas bags traversed the US during President Trump’s presidency and the DOD didn’t even consider it worth mentioning to the Commander-in-Chief. Admittedly, that could have been the Deep State engaging in a quiet mutiny, but was more likely just a case of them not feeling that it was worth of response from him. As for how many floated over us during Obama’s time? We’ll likely never know. The only reason we know about the one’s during President Trump’s tenure is the MSM’s need for whataboutism when it could harm the President’s rightful reinstatement as POTUS.

That balloon may have been filled with helium, but this manufactured crisis is full of hot air. 😉

Introducing The Doomba

Posted in Humor, Technology on February 5th, 2023
Introducing The Doomba
Introducing The Doomba

The idea of combining an anti-tank mine with a robot vacuum is hilarious. It’s also a bit terrifying. And… it’s probably either already out there in our military’s arsenal or in development. After all, iRobot, the makers of the Roomba, pretty much got their start designing and producing robots for the US military.

Think about it. Either RC or, given that shape recognition software is quite mature technology, autonomous Doombas that can be set in place to await enemy vehicles could easily be done – assuming they haven’t already quietly been so. And then there’s the obvious antipersonnel variant that would mount a flip-up M18A1 Claymore mine or a set of 6 Miniature Grenade Launchers (MGL) such are used with the M7 Spider networked anti-personnel munitions system.

I can hear it now, “Alexa, I’d like to destroy that ZTZ-99A now.”

Explaining Biden's War Stance

Posted in Humor, Politics on February 3rd, 2023
Explaining Biden's War Stance - Missile Command
Explaining Biden’s War Stance – Missile Command

At first, second, or even third glance, Biden’s eagerness to engage in what seems all to likely to end up as nuclear war between Russia and the US makes little to no sense. But, I think we should all look a bit deeper into the muddled and rotting psyche of the deranged octogenarian the Dems “worked” so hard to install as POTUS.

Creepy Uncle Joe is a gamer of sorts, and he’s old enough to have played and possibly been good at Atari’s Missile Command. Thus, given the damaged and erratic state of his brain, he might think that nuclear war would play out this way. Oh Hell! Biden’s so lost in the morass of his senility – and he was never that bright in the first place – he might even believe in President Reagan’s stunning and stunningly effect lie, the “Star Wars Program” and conflate it with Missile Command.

Sadly, this isn’t just sarcastically funny. It’s also disturbing plausible. Still though, that’s better than the alternative, that Biden is a dementia-ridden old man close to Judgement and Sentencing who doesn’t want the world to outlive him.

Friends With Benefits

Posted in Society on February 3rd, 2023

Friends With Benefits – A Valentine’s Alternative
(Click to Enlarge)

Friends, Reader, Countrymen – with Valentine’s Day around the corner, here’s a small bit of advice. Don’t let the perfect become the enemy of the good. A Valentine’s Day night with a Friend with Benefits is better than one spent alone or with some desperate, hookup partner. True, it’s not as good as having a “proper,” romantic partner on Valentine’s Day, but a Friend with Benefits is a relationship partner, therefor both good enough and far less stressful than the norm on this upcoming holiday.

Pedantic Note: The yellow roses with some red-blushed one amongst them are a “hat tip” to one variant of the Floriography of Victorian times in which yellow roses were for friendship and red ones for romantic interests. 😉

What Has Bernie Done?

Posted in Politics on February 1st, 2023
So, What Has Bernie Done For Anyone?
So, What Has Bernie Done For Anyone?

Really! In the past 23 years, what has Bernie actually done for anyone anywhere? Who has Bernie lifted from poverty? From all reports, much like his comrade, Elizabeth Warren, the only one who’s economic situation greatly improved from Bernie’s actions is his own and that of his immediate family. Though admittedly, it’s only a quarter of Warren’s nest-egg.

It’s a funny thing how every single time a politician pushes for socialism they seem to be the ones getting rich off of it.