Archive for August, 2014

Understanding Ferguson

Posted in 2014 Election, Politics on August 21st, 2014

Understanding the race riots in Ferguson, MO is really easy. Even the shit show surrounding it is easy to understand.

Ferguson - August and November
Ferguson – August and November

At the street level it’s very simple. Blacks have a tendency when concentrated together past a certain demographic point to engage in racial protests, rioting, looting, and general (un)civil unrest whenever they feel that one of their number has been harmed by a White, especially a White law enforcement officer. Such behavior is endemic to the culture of the “Black Community” and Americans are apparently supposed to excuse it due to there having been perceived to be a long history of white cops killing supposedly innocent black people and that this isn’t something Blacks can easily “get over.”

The Obama Regime’s injection of itself into a local matter is also very simple. Without ACORN, they have to use other means to “Get Out The Vote” among this key Democrat demographic. 😉

Fergusonian Follies

Posted in Humor, Politics, Society on August 21st, 2014

In truth, watching and reading about the still-ongoing with no end in sight racial protests, rioting, looting, and general (un)civil unrest in Ferguson, MO is a lot like watching some Dystopian reprise of the Ziegfeld Follies. It certainly has all the pageant and all the lack of meaning or plot that the Follies always had.

Ferguson Protest
The Shit Show That Is The Ferguson “Protests”

The Fergusonian Follies certainly have a dark, gritty reboot of the variety acts that were central to the extravaganzas were conceived and mounted by Florenz Ziegfeld. Nowhere will you find a better a darkside minstrel show than in Al Sharpton’s and Jesse Jackson performances…and they don’t even need blackface. 😆

And that’s just the players – or is it “Playa’s” – at the local level. You can’t and should forget the guest star, Eric Holder aka Raceman and his backup cast of “Peacekeepers” who’ve been dispatch by Obama to Missouri to ensure that Darren Wilson is indicted, tried, and convicted on some set of charges or another and that similar reprisals are levied against the state and local police forces who’ve been trying to contain the damage from the protracted race riot.

Eric Holder aka Raceman
Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana Raceman!

You can almost hear Holder chuckling and saying, “Everyone expects the Kenyan Inquisition.”

But hey! It’s sort of interesting that reality TV has grown to point that it can produce such grandiose, Ziegfeldian production numbers. 😉

Watch and Learn

Posted in Politics, Society on August 20th, 2014

One of the tropes that has come out of the shit show that is Ferguson, MO is the call for all police to have to wear cameras on the persons that record all their interactions with people. This is a far less than stellar idea, especially if those video records are accessible by the public or, worse, the agenda-driven MSM.

Simple put, don’t necessarily believe your possibly lying eyes – as you might be able to see after watching the video presented below.

Police Brutality or Legal Use of Deadly Force?

For most observers it’s blatantly obvious. The police officer ordered the suspect to put the weapon down, and then shoots him as he is complying with the officers command. That’s police brutality in a general sense and an “execution style” murder in the more specific.

Such would certainly be what the average, untrained, inexperienced on the streets observer would see. It’s certainly what so many of the anti-police crowd and the ethnoguiltists would expect to see. It’s also what the MSM would definitely portray, especially since it involved a White officer and a Black perp.

And yet, this is wrong. If that’s what your eyes saw, they were lying to you, either due to a combination of lack of training and experience and perspective or due to observer-expectancy effect.

In actuality, the perp had a pistol in the back of his waistband and was reaching for it in order to shoot the police officer as he was lowering his rifle to the ground. The second officer, who had circled the building and came up behind the perp, saw it, called, “Gun!” and the first officer put the perp down with three rounds to center of mass.

No single GoPro camera footage is going to show the whole of the facts of the encounter. Nor is likely that bystander’s camera phone footage would either. Hence, demanding or endorsing the use of such devices or such behavior as the recent trend in people thinking it’s right to film the police in the normal course of their often unpleasant and dangerous duties a particularly good thing overall.

Remember this lesson whenever you’re shown a video of a police officer supposedly behaving badly or with excess force and/or aggression.

Non-Discerning Feminists

Posted in Society on August 19th, 2014

One of the Pillars of Feminism, at least the modern, degenerate Toxic Wave of the movement, is the use of false equivalencies and a total lack of discernment. Certainly, they are woefully stereotypically bad at math and the underlying logic of mathematics.

She Needs Feminism because she believes that men can rape with their minds
She Fears Being Raped By Men’s Minds?

Lest you mistakenly believe that the perniciously stupid female depicted above is an anomaly or statistical outlier, consider the recent efforts of some of the female editors at The Huffington Post to publicize what they feel is “Street Harassment.”

Feminists – Not The Most Discerning Of People

The things that they alleged men either said to them or that they merely overheard being said about them ranged from the pleasant, through the innocuous, and into but the seriously creepy and the pathetically crude. Yet the non-discerning Feminists of HuffPo present them together as if each were perfect examples of what they define as Street Harassment.

Yes, that’s right! Modern feminists draw no distinction between, “Smile” or “Can I ask you a question? Are you single?” and “I will bite off your tongue” or “Hey, Slut! Nice tits!” Nor do they perceive any difference between what is said to them and what they manage to overhear being said to someone else, presumably another man.

What makes their presentation of their agenda-driven slant of the facts is what they immediately follow their pictorial screed with:

Need help? In the U.S., visit the National Sexual Assault Online Hotline operated by RAINN. For more resources, visit the National Sexual Violence Resource Center’s website. To learn more about street harassment head over to Hollaback!.

Directly, if tacitly, equating looks, whistles, honks, kissing noises, and various phrases with rape is just wrong and disgusting. Not only does it utterly devalue the threat of- and pain of suffering from actual rape, it creates a climate of gender-based fear that paints men as always being rapists or, at least, sexual predators by defining such “harassment” as an implicit threat of- and prelude to rape.

Yes, these Toxic Wave Feminists are very non-discerning. I assume this is because it’s more “fair” to foster the idea of a one-size-fits-all victimhood.

Disney’s Rebel Princess

Posted in Humor, Movies, Music, Society on August 19th, 2014

Certainly, you don’t have to enjoy Disney’s Frozen. You do, however, have to face the fact that Elsa is Disney’s rebel princess…and in more ways than just her sexuality.
[youtubegallery cols=2 thumbwidth=220]


Elsa of Arendelle – Disney’s Rebel Princess

Whether is saying, “Fuck It All” to her final exams or “Let ‘Em Burn” about people who’ve hurt her or held her down, Elsa is most definitely a rebel through and through.