Archive for October, 2013

Gadsen 2.0?

Posted in Politics on October 3rd, 2013

With the ongoing, though very polite and low-key, news about the Obama Regimes extensive spying upon US citizens’ communications one would reasonably think that one might expect an update to the old Gadsen Flag.

Don't Spy On Me
Gadsen 2.0? Don’t Spy On Me?

Sadly, such seemingly reasonable expectations are quite wrong. There has been and won’t be any real and widespread dissent, nor significant coverage of what dissent there is and will be, against Obama’s Regime over this matter.

The reasons for this are as simple as they are heinous:

  • Only the farthest Leftward and most anarchical Liberals will speak out against anything the The First Black President does.
  • The Liberals have been indoctrinate to hate Americans, especially the GOP, and will not do anything under any circumstances that places themselves in agreement with them.
  • Any American who does speak out against the Obama Regime’s behavior is discounted and derided by the Liberals and their Lamestream media as racists.
  • The Lamestream media long ago abrogated their responsibilities and are now nothing but the propaganda arm of the Democrat party and, hence, the Obama Regime.

So, whether it is spying upon Americans or murdering them, the Liberals will only raise the softest and quietest of protests and will try their best to excuse the actions of the Obama Regime by blaming  the “need” for its behaviors upon the Republican party and, if at all possible, former President Bush Jr..

Don’t worry though; they won’t let this stop them from going insane over exactly the same actions when there’s a Republican POTUS or even possibly a White Democrat one. 😉

Obamacare’s Premium

Posted in Politics on October 2nd, 2013

Insurance MoneyObamacare comes at a cost to Americans of approximately $80 Billion per year just in new taxes. That’s more than the GDP of the 105 out of 182 nations tracked by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). So, just in new tax burdens Obamacare will cost the American people more than total output of approximately 57% of world. Yes, over half the world’s nations’ GDPs are less than the added tax-burden of Obamacare.

Obamacare’s premium seems egregiously high for its stated goals, most of which were either false or not to actually be met by this boondoggle.

The Problem With Ebonics

Posted in Society on October 1st, 2013

Ebonics aka African American Vernacular English (AAVE) is a distinctive lect of the English language spoken by many Blacks within America’s borders. It is the descendent of West African Pidgin English and Southern American English. Like all lects it is a regular, systematic language variety that contrasts with other dialects in terms of its grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary. Therein lies the problem with Ebonics.

Language shapes thought because it shapes perception by defining the meanings of words, phrases and concepts. Simply put, a Black does not necessarily “hear” what a White is saying because the same word-sounds in Standard American English and Ebonics may have drastically different respective meanings.

A simple example is how a Black hears any statement by Whites about Black crime, whether it is Black-on-Black or Black-on-White. In many, though not all, cases members of the “Black Community” – native speakers of Ebonics – will not “hear” what the speaker is in their own minds saying. They derive a totally different meaning from it:

Around Blacks Never Relax
Around Blacks Never Relax

And that is the problem with Ebonics in a nutshell. It prevents us from having frank and open discussions about a plethora of serious topics and concerns. Not truly having a language in common means that Whites and the “Black Community” also do not have a basic cognitive framework in common within which to have such discussions.