Archive for the 'Announcements' Category

The Gender Inequality Myth

Posted in Announcements on January 7th, 2023
The Gender Inequality Myth
The Gender Inequality Myth

The Gender Inequality Myth perpetrated upon Americans is one of the most pernicious and factually inaccurate lies ever told to us, much less a lie so successfully promulgated. I’m sure Goebbels has a hard-on in his grave over it. 😉 The Feminists have, will, and won’t stop repeating the myth of “The Patriarchy” and claiming that they’re forced to the bottom of society. Yet, the truth is significantly different. The truth is that a very few men do occupy the top echelon, but the bottom echelons are also made up almost exclusively by men. Women are, for the most part, in just below the very peak to slightly below the middle of pyramid.

Now, in both fairness and a preference for factuality, this diagram is inherently inaccurate in that it’s scaling is in all likely off, and it doesn’t represent the complexities involved, i.e., there are no thin bands of pink in the blue and vice versa. This in an inherent flaw in such diagrams brought on by scaling – the blue at the top is most likely oversized for the sake of visibility – and decided upon lack of granularity for the sake of clarity as much as by bias and attempted manipulation. Also, there’s no indication available to determine how the various metrics were weighted.

It also is predicated, at least partially upon ephemerals and intangibles, e.g., power and quality of life. Once such unmeasurable and totally subjective inputs are added, the resulting values are flawed, especially since Feminists aren’t the most nuanced or discerning sorts, and their answers most likely skewed their results downward.

Overall though, the right side of the paired diagrams is a lot closer to the truth than the Gender Inequality Myth that Feminists keeping screeching about. But then, Feminism is a huge “industry” in America with a lot of people making their rent off of it, so this has to be expected.

RTO? Not Bloody Likely!

Posted in Announcements on January 2nd, 2023
RTO? Not Bloody Likely!
RTO? Not Bloody Likely!

Periodically we’ve been hearing about a movement to Return To the Office now that the panicdemic – if not to some people’s minds the pandemic itself – is over. For most of a year now we’ve been hearing about it and that is likely to increase in frequency, desperation, and stridency in 2023. But, quite frankly, I don’t see it happening for the most part or across many industries that actually moved to remote work due to COVID-19.

But, simply and statistically put, the majority of workers who can work remotely want to continue to do so forever. Hence, it’s not bloody likely that RTO will gain much traction in the foreseeable future.

I’m Not Even Going To Try Getting My Work Clothes Back

And besides, the wise amongst us have already repurposed our investmentwearthe clothes we purchased and maintained for fiduciary purposes – for other purposes that brought us better, more immediate, and more long-lasting benefits. 😉

I mean, honestly, I haven’t worm my old businesswear in years and I’m not going to try to get them back from my women at this point.

'Tis Boxing Day!

Posted in Announcements on December 26th, 2022

‘Tis Boxing Day!

As many of you are unaware, this is once again Boxing Day – the last vestige of Saturnalia, which is the holiday appropriated by Constantinian Christians and thereafter called Christmas.

But Why The Maids?

I’m showcasing sexy maids, because one, fun, Victorian tradition – and it was the Victorians that both made Christmas what is today and reintroduced some of the more “moral” Saturnalia traditions to Christmastide – was a role-reversal between masters and servants on this day. 😉

Gen Z Cleaning Instructions

Posted in Announcements on December 19th, 2022
Gen Z Cleaning Instructions
Gen Z Cleaning Instructions

Admittedly, this is largely useless and utterly needless advice since the majority of Gen Z is still living with and off of their parents. But, the minority of the latest, least generation needs it.

Read the instructions; follow the basic rules of reality and life; and try not to ruin your laundry like you’ve ruined everything else in your life.

And, despite their crying, whining, and blaming everyone else, if their lives suck, it’s Gen Z’s fault. It’s not the fault of anyone else. Gen Z got handed and nation and a world to live in that wasn’t overall any better or worse than their parents and grandparents had. It was different in some ways, sure. But it’s no harder now to succeed and be happy than it was in the past. But, somehow Gen Z managed to fuck it and themselves all up.

So, at least, they should learn how to not fuck up their laundry!

Christmas Is For Family

Posted in Announcements on December 18th, 2022

Christmas Is For Family

Just a hopefully helpful reminder that Christmas is for family. And no, I don’t mean just gathering together with your existential family, be they blood kin or heart’s kin. I mean starting or expanding your family, if you get my meaning. 😉