Archive for September, 2016

US Political Parties

Posted in Humor, Politics on September 25th, 2016

US Political Parties
US Political Parties & Their Mascots

Yep! Just as the Democrats have their jackass and the Republicans have their elephant, the “third parties” should have mascot too… the unicorn. It’d be perfectly in keeping with the nature of such things.

Face it, nothing is more appropriate as a mascot for any of the fringe parties, i.e., anything except the Democrats and Republicans, in America than that most fantastic of the fantasy creature, the unicorn since they’ve as much chance of making a measurable difference in American politics as Kim Kardashian does of catching a unicorn.

NOTE: The above is in the context of national politics. Members of any of the various “other” parties in America can and do get elected at municipal and even occasionally state levels.

In my opinion this is fundamentally because there’s no real difference except by degrees of intensity between the parties. Libertarians are essentially just more extreme and less practical versions of Republicans and Socialists and Greens are just more extreme and less practical versions of Democrats. None of them have specific, different agendas and platforms than the “real” US political parties.

Truly! How can they be different from the “Big Two?” Every candidate at the higher levels of politics is expected to have a position and preferably policy on every issue. This means that, unlike Britain and other more parliamentary governments single issue parties can’t exist and all the parties end up coming down on one or the other sides of the fence. This makes any parties other than the Democrats and Republicans extraneous at best, and makes their success a fantasy.

We’re Stronger Together

Posted in 2016 Election on September 25th, 2016

On of Hillary’s more recent attempts at a campaign slogan and apparently a book is “We’re Stronger Together.” It begs the question, however, of stronger against what or whom.

We're Stronger Together
We’re Stronger Together

Actually, it’s not much of a question. In a reprise of Obama’s variations on a them of “We Can’t Let Them Win,” the enemy is the American people, especially: Whites, men, Christians, and heterosexuals. Most especially, it’s the GOP and anyone who might vote for members of the Republican Party. We are, after all, what Hillary, her supporters, and those they pander to and enable consider deplorables.

Deplorable Me!

Posted in 2016 Election, Humor on September 24th, 2016

Deplorable MeDeplorable Me

My view on Hillary’s and her followers’ firmly held and stated belief that we’re a basket of deplorables is simple – embrace it!

One, nothing annoys creatures like our domestic enemies quite like turning their insults into points of pride. It not only defangs them, it ridicules their very position and themselves for holding it;

Two, their sort have been so coddled and yet have so much desire to be oppressed, that they actually need a taste of what racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and Islamaphobia are really like. It’s the only way they’ll ever learn;

Three, if Americans truly want to take our country back and make it great again, we’re going to have to be willing to work for it. We’re going to have to be willing to do the dirty jobs involved in ensuring its rebirth.

#BlackLivesMatter Olympics

Posted in Humor, Society on September 23rd, 2016

Given the stupid, savage, and insurrectionist behavior of the Blacks whenever a police officer has to put a ghetto thug down, America should really consider making a sporting event of it – the #BlackLivesMatter Olympics. At least that way the Blacks’ actions would profit America.

Events at the #BlackLivesMatter Olympics
Events At The #BlackLivesMatter Olympics

Making it an athletic competition would, at least, provide – as a yet another handout – some meaning and purpose to these vermin’s antics. The Gods know we’ve made various industries out of capitalizing on people’s stupidity, so there’s no reason to do so with the Blacks’ stupidity.

Flaunt It!

Posted in Society on September 21st, 2016

Whether You've Got It Or Not, Flaunt ItWhether You’ve Got It Or Not, Flaunt It!

Ladies, whether you’ve got it or not, flaunt it! Size doesn’t matter near as much as you’ve been tricked into believing. For that matter, most of what’s been hammered into your heads about beauty and sexiness doesn’t match the realities on the ground.