Archive for April, 2014

Spring Fever

Posted in Society on April 19th, 2014

What with the season’s slow and faltering start, it’s pretty likely that I’m suffering from a case of Spring Fever.

Spring Fever

The Gods know that I’m not the only one looking forward to Spring finally getting here in more than name and there being the chance to enjoy the fresh beauty of the outdoors.

Take A Moment To Relax

Posted in Humor on April 18th, 2014

Bouncy Busty Babe
Take A Moment To Relax

It’s Friday and it’s been a long, hard, and frustrating week. So take a moment to relax. Breath in, breath out. Let your eyes follow the motions and the stress flow out of you.

Simple Climate Truth

Posted in Society, The Environment on April 17th, 2014

I’ll give the Warmists full marks for tenacity. Even in the wake of total failures of every one of the models to match reality and society as a general whole dismissing their alarmism and agenda, they still spend a fair amount of effort and money on preaching Global Warming.

Climate Truth
Your Guess Is As Good As Mine

The simple truth, however, is that their beliefs have more akin to religion than to science. When it comes to climate anyone’s guess as to what is going to happen and why it’s going to do so is as good as anyone else’s. The system is too large, complex, and has too many input variables for mankind to model or predict.

That won’t seemingly stop the Warmists though. They’ve taken their scripture to heart and will remain as staunchly faithful to it as the most devout of the Young Earth creationism. 😉

Where The System Fails

Posted in Society on April 16th, 2014

According to MSNBC’s Chris Hayes crime is not a criminal’s fault if the criminal in question is considered poor.

Where the system fails over and over and over again is at supporting people so that they do not find themselves in situations where they are doing the things that we can punish them for.

Yep! According to this particular Left-Wing pundit, crime is society’s fault because we don’t give the poor enough in the way of hand-outs, what he labels more innocuously as support.

Isn’t this always the way with these Liberal filth? According to them the Makers should be enslaved to the Eaters and Takers. Hence, any crime the Eaters and Takers commit is all our fault for not keeping them in the comforts they wish to become accustomed to.

If we want to actually cut crime by the poor and provide practical support, let’s re-institute the Workhouse and Penal Servitude.

Why Relationships Work

Posted in Society on April 16th, 2014


Kirsten Dunst

Actress Kirsten Dunst spoke her mind about femininity, masculinity, and relations earlier this week in an interview with Harper’s Bazaar UK.

I feel like the feminine has been a little undervalued. We all have to get our own jobs and make our own money, but staying at home, nurturing, being the mother, cooking – it’s a valuable thing my mum created. And sometimes, you need your knight in shining armour. I’m sorry. You need a man to be a man and a woman to be a woman. That’s why relationships work…

Of course, various and sundry Feminists instantly jumped up to savage her for such an “anti-Feminist” opinion.

The most telling rejoinder to Dunst’s statement of opinion came from Jezebel. Their response was entitled “Kirsten Dunst Thinks Ladies In Relationships Should Wife the Fuck Out.” It’s particularly telling because the title uses “wife” as a tacit pejorative and this aptly and poetically sums up Feminism’s position on relationships.

Feminism’s Gag Orders

Jezebel’s response was just the most overtly telling though. All the various screeds against Kirsten Dunst’s opinions have two things in common: the underlying postulate of relationships being predicated upon a power dynamic that is strictly hierarchical; and the strong desire to gag any woman who doesn’t accept that Feminist postulate.