Archive for September, 2020

Condemn All Hate Groups?

Posted in Politics, Society on September 24th, 2020
Condemn All Hate Groups?
Is It Time To Condemn All Hate Groups?

Is it time to condemn all hate groups? The short, obvious, objective answer is yes. Indeed, it has always been time to condemn any and all hate groups.

But, of course, the simple, the obvious, and especially the objective have little to no allowed place in modern discourse. ๐Ÿ˜ก

Given that Americans and Democrats and their ilk don’t even begin to agree on the basic meanings of words, there’s no hope that we could agree on what constitutes a “Hate Group” They certainly don’t and never would accept the simple fact that #BlackLivesMatter and #Antifa are hate groups. Additionally, they pretty much lump “White Power” and “Nazis” together and apply the pejorative to each and every American – or “AmeriKKKan” as they often spell it – who doesn’t faithfully adhere to the tenets of the Left’s religion of Wokeness.

Finally, to make matters so much more “nuanced” and worse – and, even more uncomfortable for the self-aware – with the anti-White, racist violence of #BlackLivesMatter and #Antifa acting as a near-perfect stand-in for carpetbaggers, the KKK, and other White Power groups seem less evil and more than a bit more sympathetic.

In these degenerate times, it’s not simple or easy to condemn all hate groups.

Elect Biden Or Else

Posted in 2020 Elections, Politics on September 23rd, 2020
Elect Biden Or Else Democrats Will Burn The Nation
Elect Biden Or Else

Elect Biden or else the country gets it!” This is, essentially the message that the Democrats are sending these days. In all things, bow down before their agenda or their mobs will loot and burn cities, along with assaulting and killing Whites when practicable. And these days they don’t even bother to couch their threats of violent rebellion and terrorism in vague wording.

On the bright side, while they do present a clear and present danger that absolutely must be mitigated, it’s of limited scope.

A Democrat Stormtrooper

It’s true; the Dems have their Blacks, who are experienced in violence, and they have #Antifa, who seem capable of random acts of low-level terrorism. But the bulk of their kind aren’t capable of defending themselves outside of the social media arena and certainly aren’t organized or skilled enough to last long against the American people.

The threats that the Democrats pose will evaporate almost as soon as the American people decide to put an end to them. And that will go a long, long way toward Making America Great Again.

Not Quite Time For Sweaters

Posted in Society on September 23rd, 2020

Not Quite Time For Sweaters

It’s not quite time for sweaters – or, for those south of the equator, it’s just past time for them – especially for those nearer to the Equator. High, warm socks though? Those are definitely in order. ๐Ÿ˜€


Posted in Politics on September 22nd, 2020

Ginsburg: Unlamented
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Unlamented

I’m not going to sugarcoat anything. I’m glad Justice Ginsburg is gone. While I don’t rejoice in her death – She was never that bad of a person – I’m very glad she’s no longer poisoning the SCOTUS with her well-written but piss-poor, agenda-driven opinions.

Frankly, Justice Ginsburg was, proper jurisprudence-wise, the worst judge in the current SCOTUS. Only her counterpart, the late Justice Scalia came close to matching her failings to place the law above personal opinion. Hence, her passing is a boon to America in my opinion.

And no, none of this detracts from Ginsburg’s historical significance. She was the 2nd woman appointed to the Court and the first Jewish woman – and only the 2nd Jew – to be so appointed. Yet, that significance is solely identity-based and, thus suspect.

So no; I don’t in any way lament Ginsburg passing since it was the only way she’d leave the Court.

NOTE: To those sorts who would attack me over this post: I have a solid background the law, some of which was in a professional capacity, and actually regularly read SCOTUS and Appellate Court opinions. If you can’t argue in that arena, best you just shut up and move along.

If you can do so, however, bring it on! A robust, even vitriolic, debate upon the specifics, nature, purpose, and fundamental basis of law in America is part and parcel to this “Grand Experiment” which is our nation.

A Very Nappy Protest

Posted in Politics, Society on September 22nd, 2020

A Very Nappy Protest In Seattle

With a grateful H/T to Patriationary, I present you the real racial issue, the real #FirstWorldProblems of the Blacks inside America’s borders – Black Women’s Hair!!!!! ROFLMAO I guess the next riots will be by raving and ranting #BlackHairMatters myrmidons.

So let me preemptively rebut with #AllHairMatters! ๐Ÿ˜›

Never let the ever-angry, grievance-mongering, race-baiting, blacktivists fool you. They’re “suffering” from their own, idiosyncratic #FirstWorldProblems more than anything else. That is the only explanation for this sort of idiotic protest in the midst of Seattle’s race riots.

Oh yeah. A city burns and these ratchet fools are ranting about people – presumably White people – touching Black women’s hair. Rarely has a more self-indulgent, totally self-centered and blind to the world “protest” been engaged in by anyone.

Sadly, there’s no point in trying to correct them. The nonconsensual touching of Black women’s hair by White people is a shibboleth of the Blacktivists. It doesn’t matter that it has no factual basis in modern time – I do believe that it did have a basis 50 years ago, during the de-segregation period. It’s part of their culture and identity.

But hey! So far, they’re not burning, looting, or murdering Whites; so we should just roll our eyes and go about the business of being productive citizens of our nation. They are, after all, not harming anything but our sensibilities.

Again though, #AllHairMatters! And yes, I’m talking to you, Joe!