Archive for April, 2020

Mr. Wuhan Leung

Posted in Politics, Society on April 23rd, 2020
Mr. Wuhan Leung
Mr. Wuhan Leung

Ah yes! Mr. Wuhan Leung, the least popular Chinese immigrant in the world. And yes! With there being enough evidence to support the hypothesis that the Coronavirus got lose from a Chinese virology laboratory near Wuhan that the US and UK governments are investigating it, this is an apt description.

Of course, the Lamestream Media has been quick to “debunk” this and blame it on “Right-Wing Bigotry and Xenophobia.” Given those sorts’ ideologies and proclivities, however, that is itself further evidence, albeit low-grade, that the hypothesis is true and that “Wuhan Virus,” “China Virus,” or “CCP Virus” are proper terms for this disease.

Also telling is how the Leftists and their pet squints want to both make sure everybody knows two things: it wasn’t developed in a Chinese lab and that “those Right-Wing racists” believe it was. Simply put, while the former is likely true and largely uncontested, the latter is not except for a very few people.

They Had Me At Cookies

Posted in Humor, Society on April 19th, 2020
It's like that! While the Dark Side had me at cookies, masks and respirators seem like a strong draw these days. :lol:
They Had Me At Cookies

It’s like that! While the Dark Side had me at cookies, masks and respirators seem like a strong draw these days. 😆

Don’t Touch Your Face!

Posted in Humor, Society on April 18th, 2020
Don’t Touch Your Face!

Hey! As we all know now, we need to shelter in place, social distance, wear masks and gloves, and don’t touch our faces. CNN even gives instructions on this new practice.

And hey again! There are even new products hitting the market that will help you with is! And believe me, they work! 😆

A More Holistic, Natural, And Progressive Solution

But, for the more earthy-crunchy, natural or nothing, anti-capitalist sorts, there are also purely nature aids to not touching your face.

Curing The Disease

Posted in Politics on April 18th, 2020
Curing The Disease Will Take Harsh Measures Because The Dems Are A Virulent Plague Upon Our Nation
Curing The Disease Will Take Harsh Measures

COVID-19 or, if you prefer, Coronavirus is not nearly as damaging of a plague as the Congressional Democrats and their voters are. While our President has done his best – and just about as best as any POTUS could – to lead our Nation and People through this largely but not entirely Lamestream Media created crisis, the Dems have been focused on two things: Destroying President Trump, and extending the economic damage they and their media have caused.

Curing the disease is going to take harsher measures than most will find comfortable. And those measures will need to be comprehensive, ground-up actions. If we truly want a great, healthy America, we’re going to have to remove the disease from within the body of our nation.

Easter In 2020 …

Posted in Humor, Society on April 12th, 2020
Easter In 2020 Feels A Bit Like That
Easter In 2020 Feels A Bit Like That

Oh yeah! Easter in 2020 ain’t like ones in the past. It feels a lot more like getting up close and personal with a facehugger. Worse, I’m not sure that 6ft is enough distancing to avoid their initial leap.