Archive for July, 2019

Bikini Interlude 35

Posted in Society on July 20th, 2019

Bikini Interlude 35 – A Magakini Edition

And here we see some examples of how to Make Bikinis Great Again, and how to similarly restore America’s beaches and other venues to greatness.

Trump’s Racist Rhetoric

Posted in Politics on July 19th, 2019
Trump's Racist Rhetoric
Trump’s Racist Rhetoric

Certain sorts and their media shills are once again trotting out their shibboleth of President Trump’s racist rhetoric. This time it’s over our President’s calling out of “The Squad” and their visceral and vocal hatred of America and Americans.

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

President Donald Trump

Of course, as most of us know, the only “reason” that President Trump’s rhetoric is considered racist by some is that they consider any White calling out the bad behavior of any non-White to be racist. Indeed, the only exception to this is that the same sorts believe that it is required to call out non-Whites in any circumstance when and where they might show an insufficient hatred towards Whites and America.

Sweetly Triggering Offense

Posted in Society on July 13th, 2019
She's Sweetly Triggering Offense Among Our Domestic Enemies With Delightful Oreo Cookie Sundae.
She’s Sweetly Triggering Offense Among Our Domestic Enemies

Oh yeah! This fine Black babe is sweetly triggering offense among Blacktivists and their White Enablers. Certain sorts would lose their ever-hating minds upon seeing a Black woman enjoying and Oreo cookie sundae.

Of course, certain sorts are pathologically prone to “finding” cause for offense in almost anything that isn’t clearly, purely, and stridently anti-normative and hateful.

What Did We Fight For?

Posted in Politics, Society on July 6th, 2019
What Did We Fight For?
What Did We Fight For?

While anvilicious, crudely and needlessly offensively worded, and a wee bit hysterical in presentation, this has some real truth to it. It truly does seem as if generation after generation of American men have fought, bled, and died for our People only to be forced to watch them degenerate and for many of them to actively turn against every value and bit of culture that was and still is America.

Independence Primer

Posted in Humor, Politics, Society on July 5th, 2019
Independence Primer
An Independence Primer

Just a very quick, very simplified primer or recap of America’s independence and of Revolutionary history and its consequences for both the actual foreign readers of this blog and those who grew up in Liberal areas within the borders of our nation. 😉