Archive for November, 2018

Requiem Ultra Repris

Posted in Society on November 12th, 2018

Requiem Ultra Repris
(Click to Enlarge)

It’s past the centennial of the Armistice that ended WW1, but I feel that the dead of that long ago war deserve a reprise of their requiem. And, thanks to the calligraphic skills and efforts of Satwinder Sehmi, this is easy to do. On top of that, his rendering of Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae’s iconic poem as a poppy is brilliant.

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place, and in the sky,
The larks, still bravely singing, fly,
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead; short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe!
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high!
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Indeed, by way of a history lesson, In Flanders Fields is cited as the reason that the poppy is the symbol of remembrance for those who died in service and in war.

Sadly Unheeded Wisdom

Posted in Politics, Society on November 12th, 2018

A Message To The Left – Unheeded Wisdom

And here are very much needed words of wisdom for the Left from a brave young man, Devon Stack. Sadly, unheeded wisdom is the hallmark of failure and, hence, an essential piece of the Liberals’ and Progressives’ dogma. As such, they’ll never listen.

No, the Left and those that they pander to- and enable, through their hatred, their spite, and their unending attacks upon the average American, are responsible for causing a condition to develop in this country which will create a climate that will bring seeds up out of the ground with vegetation on the end of them looking like something these people never dreamed of outside of their worst nightmares.


Posted in Society on November 11th, 2018


It eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month exactly a century ago that the armistice that ended World War I was signed at Compiègne, France.  Yes, it was exactly 100 years ago that the surviving men of that generation from 32 countries could breathe a sigh of relief and think of going home.

Yet, many millions never went home, save as corpses to be buried or as mere tokens used to keep count.  And, as the years and decades past time in perfect order and “The War To End All Wars” was supplanted by later, more romantic conflicts, even the count became something of import only to some few scholars, those men long gone having passed from remembrance, with the last of their surviving fellows having died on May 5, 2011 at the age of 110.

‘Tis to our shame I think that we spare no time to either review or remember those brave souls nor the war they died in.

Go Vote!

Posted in 2018 Elections on November 6th, 2018
Go Vote! Protect Or Harm America

It’s election day! Assuming that you’ve taken advantage of early or absentee voting, go vote! Go vote Republican to save America, or go vote in favor of the Democrats’ platform for “change.” The choice is yours; you can choose America or you can choose what the Democrats want to replace it with.

Signs Of Our Times

Posted in 2018 Elections, Politics on November 5th, 2018
Signs Of Our Times

These are the signs of our times, especially these election times. The Republicans stand for jobs, whereas the Democrats stand for mobs. Hence, Americans have a simple but stark choice before them right now. We can take the first, best step in stopping the Left, or we can meekly surrending to cowardice and allow our domestic enemies a victory over our nation, our culture, and our people.

No not be fooled; do not be complacent; do not cleave to false hopes that you will not have to act. Our democracy and the very foundations of our nation are under existential threat right now, and all it will take for evil to win is for Americans to do nothing.