Archive for May, 2012

Fight For Your Rights

Posted in 2012 Election, Politics on May 17th, 2012

All you Leftist domestic enemies of America, you Liberals and Progressives, along with all those minorities you use a sharecroppers every election had best get up, get out, and fight for your enslavement because we, the People are going to do our best – and, if needs be and the Devil drives, our worst – to keep you free.

Obama Poster - Fight For Your Right To Government Dependency
Fight For Your Right To Government Dependency

It’s not that we value you or your personal liberty; we don’t. It’s that we can’t maintain Americans’ liberty and let you give yours away in favor of government dependency.

It’s not that you deserve your personal liberty; you don’t. It’s that we know that liberty is a Divinely granted right and, as such, it doesn’t matter whether you’ve earned it or not.

It’s not even that we think there will be a near-term positive outcome from you maintaining your liberty; there won’t be. It’s that, no matter how much pain and misery your liberty brings us all, it’s wrong to meekly allow you to surrender it.

So, if you all really want to enslave yourself to government dependency, you’re going to one Hell of a fight on your hands. The American people – the sons and daughters of our nation who, by the mercy and grace of the God(s), carry its spirit within us – are going to use every means at our disposal to defeat you.

Intra vita in tantum misericordia est mortem, in tantum atrocitus est servitutem.

Chomsky And The Shark

Posted in 2012 Election, Politics on May 17th, 2012

Noam Chomsky has for decades been a guru of the Leftists. The Liberals and Progressives have sucked down his repetitive attacks upon America, swallowed, and begged for another load. That might have just changed though because Chomsky has in all likelihood, in the eyes of the Left, just jumped the shark.

Chomsky, among other things, just he called Obama a murderer.

Don’t expect to hear or see much about this in the Lamestream Media. They’d be too conflicted as to who to side against and who to protect to let this hit the national airwaves.

Actually, so far, it’s being largely hushed up by the people controlling the Left. They seem to be using their normal tactic of silencing dissent and violations of acceptable groupthink on Chomsky, much as they tried to do with Sarah Palin. That, in itself, is quite telling.

My guess is that Chomsky just lost his following by attacking Obama and will now be heavily censored by the Left, with only approved speeches, articles, and interviews receiving widespread dissemination – at least until after the 2012 elections in November.

European Vacation

Posted in Humor, Politics on May 17th, 2012

It’s been a couple of weeks, maybe even a bit longer, the Obamas must be tired from all the campaigning, even with Barack’s occasional breaks to “telesign” some legislation. It’s about time for them to take another vacation. I mean they’re entitled to it, aren’t they, as the First Black Family? It’s sort of like reparations by proxy. 😛

Personally, I’d suggest that the Obama’s take a European vacation. It’d be quite educational for Sasha and Malia.

Obama's European Vacation
The Obama’s Studying European Archeology

They could tour the historic ruins and Obama could teach his daughters about how Europe continues to influence the “America” that he wants to build. He could also explain how creative destruction is necessary when The One wants to fundamentally change something…

Survival Skills

Posted in Humor, Society on May 17th, 2012

Truth be told, I’m a strong proponent of education. I’m just not a big fan of useless education or (mis)education, which is what America’s schools and, most especially, colleges seem to excel at.

The Extinct Thesaurus

Seems to me that our far too hallowed halls of “higher education” are churning out a bunch of evolutionary dead-ends that are largely lacking in basic modern survival skills.

And it’s not going to take a K-T extinction event to finish off these people either. “Edupogenic” climate change (ECC) will get them just as easily as they pursue lifestyle and career goals that are unsustainable in the modern economic climate.

Ah well, all we oh-so-loathed “no nothings” will, like the mammals of the Tertiary Period, still be here and will be, once again, ready to step in. 😉

Gay For Pay

Posted in 2012 Election, Politics on May 17th, 2012

Summing up Obama’s “evolved” stance on Gay Marriage is really quite easy. It’s a simple case of his being Gay For Pay.

Obama On Gay Marriage
Sure! Obama Will Go Gay – For $15 Million In Donations

The Obama Campaign and the Dems in general were looking at loosing the financial support of both Queers and seriously pro-Queer donors, a situation made acutely worse by North Carolina passing Amendment 1 by a wide margin, defining marriage solely as a union between a man and a woman in the state’s Constitution.

So the Campaigner-in-Chief, under the direction of his handlers, had to say something, preferable something nuanced with lots of exit pathways and few commitments.

At a certain point, I’ve just concluded that– for me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that– I think same-sex couples should be able to get married. Now– I have to tell you that part of my hesitation on this has also been I didn’t want to nationalize the issue. There’s a tendency when I weigh in to think suddenly it becomes political and it becomes polarized.

And what you’re seeing is, I think, states working through this issue– in fits and starts, all across the country. Different communities are arriving at different conclusions, at different times. And I think that’s a healthy process and a healthy debate. And I continue to believe that this is an issue that is gonna be worked out at the local level, because historically, this has not been a federal issue, what’s recognized as a marriage.

Yeah, the boy will do Gay for Pay alright. He’s got limits though – no Full Service; he won’t bend over that far, not when it might cost him more than he’s getting for it. 😉


I’ve got a more important and pressing question than what Obama wants people to believe is his personal stance on Gay Marriage is though. Does America’s newest rent boy think that the queers – single, involved, it’s complicated, or married – could use some jobs?