Archive for the 'Musings' Category

To Judge Or Not?

Posted in Musings, Politics on February 3rd, 2014

thinking-apeWe are told by the Liberals and Progressive that we, the People must not to judge all Muslims by the actions of what they describe as a few lunatics; nor must we ever judge Blacks and Latinos by the violent criminality of what the Left says are a minority of their populations.  Yet, often in the very next breath,  these same Liberals and Progressive demand that  we  judge all legal gun owners by the actions of a tiny number of lunatics.

I’m failing to see the consistency of their logic…

Butterflies And Bullets

Posted in Musings on January 31st, 2014

Chaos ButterflyButterflies and bullets – There’s not much in common between the two in most people’s minds. Most people, however, are quite wrong because butterflies are a lot like bullets. Much like you’ll never hear the bullet that kills you, you’ll never see the butterfly that takes you and/or your carefully crafted predictions and plans out either.

That’s life, folks.

Chaos is life, life is chaos – or a deeper order that we cannot fully perceive. Either way, it’s a deterministic nonlinear system with a sensitive dependency upon far too many and too diverse and separated initial conditions for us to come even close to predicting what will happen with any certainty at all.

Criminals Vs. Babies

Posted in Musings, Politics, Society on July 8th, 2013

Thinking ApeHow much different would America be if the Liberals and Progressives spent as much of their time, wealth, and vitriol calling for the death of those within America’s borders who were criminals as they did calling for the death of unborn babies?

If one did not understand America’s domestic enemies one would seriously wonder why they hate the innocent unborn so much while apparently loving the guilty adults and near-adults so very well.

Injustice For Equality

Posted in Ethics & Morality, Musings, Politics, Society on June 29th, 2013

When injustice becomes law resistance becomes dutyConsider this – In this modern and woefully (mis)educated age the greatest and some of the most pernicious examples of injustice have been and are being perpetrated for the sake of abolishing the perceived inequalities of outcome of certain protected individuals and groups. Properly blind justice has been sacrificed on the alter of forced egalitarianism.

Wishing For The 1%

Posted in Musings, Politics on January 11th, 2013

American Patriot with MusketI’ll tell you the truth. I’m wishing for the 1%. Not the 1% who are so often reviled by the eaters and takers for being productive and materially successful, but a scant, bare 1% of the 80 million registered gun owners in America. I’m wishing for them to do something.

I wish for just 1% of these known, law-abiding Americans to gather in Washington DC peacefully but under arms.

If 800,000 armed Americans showed up in the DC, there is literally no end to what they could accomplish for our country. Nor need we reasonably fear that it would lead to bloodshed as nobody would be so foolish as to incite such a force to defend itself.

Another source of power in government is a military force. But this, to be efficient, must be superior to any force that exists among the people, or which they can command; for otherwise this force would be annihilated, on the first exercise of acts of oppression. Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States

— Noah Webster
The Federalist Papers

What was true in 1787 when Noah Webster penned “An Examination into the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution” is still true today. If 800,000 citizens exercised their constitutional rights to assemble in Washington DC to seek redress from the federal government, they would exceed 50% of a full mustering of the all branches of the US Military and the combined strength of all law enforcement agencies in the Mid-Atlantic region. And that would be a full mustering of the military. In actuality, they’d only be able to bring in a 10th of that amount at most, which would give the citizenry an overwhelming 4:1 advantage. Nobody, not even the most rabid authoritarian, would start something in that circumstance.

Somewhere there’s one or more of America’s domestic enemies having apoplexy and fuming about how I’m a dangerous extremist who’s calling for the armed overthrow of their government.

To help them out in furthering their delusions, my local US Secret Service Field Office can be contacted at (718) 840-1000. They should feel free to report me. It’ll give us all something to laugh about at the next quarterly meeting. 😉

Nor would a violent response from the government to such a gathering be expected even without their being faced with potentially overwhelming force.  The political damage done to President Hoover by his turning the Army loose on the 17,000 WWI veterans, their families, and affiliated groups who comprised the 1932 Bonus Army is well known to politicians, if not the general population, and they’d be loath to hurt themselves and their careers in a similar manner.

I wish for this assembly of patriotic Americans because I can think of no better or more efficient means to remind both the politicians and their MSM propaganda outlets of exactly what they will be up against if they try to violate the holy right of the American people to defend themselves against each other, foreign threats, and domestic tyranny. The sight of 800,000 armed Americans assembled to defend their 2nd Amendment rights – peacefully if at all possible, with force if left no option – should have a chilling effect upon both the would-be tyrants and dangerously paternal “kindly shepherds” in the government.

Is This Intimidation?

Some would say that such a gathering in DC or its environs of so many armed citizens would be nothing but intimidation and a thuggish attempt to coerce the government into certain actions through the threat of armed force, up to and including an overthrow of the government. The sorts that would say such, however, are either those who by their beliefs or actions have some reason to feel intimidated and/or are those with little or no sense or knowledge of history.

An assembly of armed Americans is no more inherently intimidating than the gathering of some 400,000 Black men for the 1995 Million Man March, which was led by the head of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, and happened while the memories of the Los Angeles Riots and the various sympathetic Black uprisings across America were still fresh in America’s collective consciousness.

Add to that the long, sad history of Black protests ending badly and violently, especially in the 1950s and 1960s, when attempts were made to disperse, constrain, or contain them and must be clear to anyone that possessed a modicum of knowledge of American history that such a assembly as the Million Man March was far more an act of intimidation, intentional or not, than any generic assemblage of armed American citizens could ever be.

I’ll defy you, however, to find a single Liberal or Progressive who would admit to that. Conversely, I doubt that you’d have any difficulty in finding Blacks that would openly and happily admit that the Million Man March was intimidation in its rawest form.


Yes, I’m wishing for the minimum of 1% of registered gun owners to peaceably assemble in order to petition the Government for a redress of our grievances pertaining to the abridgement of- and infringement upon our 2nd Amendment rights.

Sadly, if wishes were fishes we’d walk on the sea and, if they were horses, beggars would ride. 🙁